S3 E8

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Math class is extremely more boring when you're in the middle of a karate war. I don't want to just sit here when I could be out training.

Miguel doesn't know what he's going on about, we were just standing up for ourselves. We're done being kicked around. I want people to feel afraid at the thought of having to fight me. This way I'll never be attacked again.

The bell rings, signalling the end of class. I pack up my things in my bag and feel someone walk up to me. Piper is standing directly behind me when I turn and she looks pissed.

"Yes?" I say to her. I know it's not Piper that I should be mad at right now, but I still am. Moon tried to break up my relationship and her girlfriend is standing in front of me.

"Why am I hearing that your boyfriend tried to get with Moon? That is my girlfriend and he apparently was all over her." Ridiculous.

I bark out a laugh, "Are you serious? Literally everyone knows what actually happened, so how come you don't?"

She crosses her arms, "Then tell me."

"Why would I?" I shrug and pull my backpack over my shoulders. "Ask your whore of a girlfriend."

Piper pushes me, "Do not talk about her like that. Moon is a good person."

I shove her back hard and she goes stumbling to the ground. She gets up fast as I glare at her, "Don't ever fucking touch me again." I turn to leave before changing my mind and looking back at her, "And your loving, devoted girlfriend? She came onto Hawk at a party. While you were with her. I wasn't there but I heard this story from multiple people who were. Hawk had to push her off of him. Maybe you should rethink how good of a person she really is." With that, I leave her there alone.


My last class finished and I'm on my way to my locker. On my way there, I pass Yasmine on top of Demetri. Literally. She's pressed against him in the middle of the hallway and they're making out. I'm shocked momentarily. Yasmine is the last person I would ever expect to be caught dead making out with Demetri. That's insane. I'm going to tuck this new little piece of information in my pocket for later use.

The space near my locker is empty and I'm alone in the hallway while I get my stuff. I close my locker door to see Piper standing there staring at me. Damn this girl pops up like IT. "Literally what do you want?"

She looks like she's been crying, there's tear stains all down her face. "I asked around, about what you said happened."


"And it's all true," she snivels. "I can't believe nobody told me." I don't feel bad for her, I was in this position too.

"Nobody told me at first either. People are fake, it is what it is." I want to leave but she's just standing here crying, it's so awkward. "You'll get over it."

"No I won't," she shakes her head. "I wanted us to be forever."

I give her a hard look, "Nothing is forever."

"But we were supposed to be," Piper continues to cry.

"Pull yourself together, oh my gosh." I step closer to her, "You're making yourself look bad right now. Moon won't miss you if she thinks you're completely pathetic. Make her miss what she had. She fucked it up, not you." Piper nods as I continue, "You could do better. Show her." She's finally stopped crying enough and I feel like it's okay to leave.


I get a text from Tory later asking me to go with her to her police thing. Apparently when you attack someone, you have to do monthly checkups. Probably a good idea for her though. I text her back that I'll be at her house in an hour. That gives me time to get ready.

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