He pulled me towards him and kissed me passionately.  I wrapped my arms around him and returned his kiss with desperation. 

Sebastian jeered from the gallery and Lynx just sniffed and pursed her lips in annoyance.

I pulled back from my Love and clutched his hand, the one with my ring on it.  "I can't lose you Scott.  You might think I can go on if you're dead.  But I don't think I can."  I couldn't stop the flow of tears falling from my eyes, and I blinked them away as I waited for his response.

"You're the strongest person I know Zass.  You can do anything my Love." He smiled down at me and then looked at the gallery before staring into my eyes and saying, "Whatever happens, kill them Zass.  No mercy.  If you get the chance you make sure they never have the opportunity to do this to anyone ever again."

I nodded, tears streaming down my face.  Then I turned and said to Iris, "Does it matter which goblet I drink from?"

Iris smiled wryly, and shook her head.  I guess she saw me just fine, because she smiled when I picked up the gold goblet. 

I lifted it in Scott's direction and said, "Cheers."

He nodded and raised his own goblet and we drank them down.

At first nothing happened.  The watchers in the gallery leaned forwards, eager in their anticipation of who would die.

I sniffed the goblet and smelled nothing more than wine and I knew I had taken the safe cup.  Scott suddenly swallowed loudly and clutched his stomach, his mouth opened soundlessly and he fell against the table, knocking over the silver goblet.  What came out of it was a shock.  When the wine was spilled, at the bottom of the cup was a small UV emitting light that started flashing.  Iris picked up the golden goblet and crushed it so that it stopped.  Where the light had struck my face, I felt the sting of burns and then the itch of healing before they faded.  If I'd swallowed that light, it would have killed me.  It would have been the true death.  I raised my eyes to Iris for a second, as I reached out to hold Scott up. 

She said as I frowned at her, "Would you have chosen the silver cup Vampire?"

"No." I stated.

"Then it did not matter, did it?" She asked.

I blew out a half smile grimace and shook my head in acknowledgement of her assertion.  I guess she was right.

Scott made another attempt to speak.  I lay him on the ground next to the table and sat at his head, cradling it in my lap as I grabbed his hand and clutched it to me.  I couldn't stop the tears running down my cheeks as I contemplated losing the man in my arms.  It was too soon.  We'd had less time than I'd ever had with any one I'd loved and I wasn't ready to lose him.  How could I go on?  Did I want to? 

I acknowledged to myself that if Scott died I would rather walk into the light than continue.  He was my everything.  Without him I looked forward to nothing, an empty eternity because I could visualize no one ever taking his place.  Done.

Scott must have seen my decision in my eyes as I held him because he looked at me in sorrow and managed to say, "No, live."

"Why?" I asked him.  "I have no reason to without you."

He raised his arm pointed a finger at Mirth, sitting in the gallery between Sebastian and Lynx who were both smiling in anticipation of the brutal ending that Scott was facing. 

That glance was enough.  I was reminded of my promise and the real reason I had come to Las Vegas, to find and terminate Lynx.  The look I sent their way would have been enough to kill them on the spot if I had the ability to kill with a glance, but then Scott started to cough and I looked quickly back down at the man in my arms.

"Promise..." he gasped and I nodded.

"I promise." I said.

Scott's grip on my hand started to weaken.  I could see the silver in his eyes fade out to blue.  Then he smiled up into my eyes and I saw everything fade out of them before they closed.

I grabbed his still body to my chest and drew in a massive breath, before raising my anguished face to the sky and screaming. "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."


Outside the Den, Tank and his men heard the cry.  Hackles rose on all Supernaturals standing both inside and outside the club at Zass's howl and Tank said, "That's it, move in."

He and twenty of his Vampire clan went in the front door.  They were armed to the teeth and itching for action.  Didi and Tank had been in a pissing war for years and this was a perfect excuse to start something.  Zass didn't even have to ask, Tank would have done it just for the fun of it!  But it was an impressive sight to behold, twenty fully armed Vamps kicking in the doors and taking on the surprised Weres. 

Blades flew, the foolish winner of the death match over Bohdan's position decided to take on Tank and lasted about three seconds before Tank dismembered him.   The grinning Vampire turned a blood smeared face towards the door to the arena as more Weres rushed into the fray and said, "Next!" Before rushing at the next victim.  Ash flew in the air as some of his clan bought the big one, but more naked and dead Weres lay on the ground than ash drifted in the air before the fighting was done.

The remaining Weres howled for reinforcements and the rest of the Club Members came running on all fours to join the fray.  Fur flowed, bodies lay strewn all over the floor of the front rooms of the Den and Tank and the remaining Vamps, blood spattered and fighting for their lives drew strength from their leader, who was laughing as he met each new foe head on.


Sebastian and Lynx looked at each other in the Gallery as the sounds of fighting reached the room we were in and stood to leave.  Lynx dragged Mirth up from her seat and then pushed her down the stairs towards me.  She dropped Mirth at the bottom of the stairs and looked at me as I mourned my Love. 

"Get over it you pathetic excuse for a Master." She said then turned to follow Sebastian.

That voice and the cruel taunt broke through the fog I was in.  I caressed Scott's face one more time and lay his head down on the wooden floor, rising to stand and turn to face Lynx's retreating back.  I looked at their fleeing forms and the hollow place in my gut became acid rage.  My eyes swirled and all the brown and white was eaten away by black.  I became everything that I had abandoned and I stalked towards them, intent on murder.

I looked at Mirth as I passed her at the foot of the stair and said, "Stay here until I return for you." She nodded quickly and then went to sit next to Scott. 

I paused behind them and then I said softly, "Lynx, we have some unfinished business."

They stopped in the doorway and turned to look at me.  What they saw standing behind them was not a grief stricken mess of a man.  What they saw as their eyes widened and took me in was a Vampire in full rage.  I was full on Vampire, fangs bared, claws at the ready and my eyes were light absorbing pools of oblivion, waiting for them to fall into them.  I saw Lynx falter and then she glanced at Sebastian who immediately went full Vampire to respond to my challenge.  She knew what I was capable of when I was that furious and put her back to the wall, hoping Sebastian would finish the job so she would be safe from my wrath.  But she was also eager for the outcome either way she couldn't drag herself away.  She waited and watched as Sebastian and I moved out into the clear area of the room. 

Sebastian bared his fangs at me and hissed, extending his own claws.  Then we rushed towards each other, both intent on ending the other's existence.

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