Breaking Him (IV)

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"We're not going for a shootout." I announced, trying to hide the quivering in it. He shut his closet door and marched my way. He smoothly kissed my cheek while bending down to get his wallet and I stilled at my spot. He rose up, stuffing his wallet and keys in his pockets and strode out the door. He did not just...!

I wiped my sweaty palms across my long shirt and exited the sudden cold room. I found him waiting, leaning against his Mercedes Benz and when he spotted me, he rounded and jumped in his driver seat.

"Where did you want to go, madame? Apparently, I have to work on my abilities as a slave so kindly inform me of your destination." He passed me a charming grin at the end, winking my way. I fisted my hands and took in a deep breath.

"The main headquarters." I declared. His neck snapped in my direction and I fiddled with the hem of my shirt. "I want to go to the place you operate from. I have the right to know how you work. You are not supposed to question me today and follow my orders. Just for this one day, huh? Please?"

I pleaded him with my round eyes and he kept glaring with a tight jaw. I gently grasped his tightly clenched fist and held it between my both hands, raising it to my chest. He watched me expressionlessly and I pouted for extra dramatic effects. His gaze flickered to my pout and he looked heavenwards, thoroughly perplexed with everything happening.

"I don't want to. That's not a place meant for you. You'll end up bawling like a toddler, the way you did last time." He solemnly uttered.

That time you had me kidnapped and killed my brother!

The hand that I held was the one that fired a gun at Humayun. The amount of abhorrence I felt from this man at the moment couldn't be described. Somehow, I opened his fist and slid my fingers in his long ones. I entwined his rough, warm hand with mine and had to stop my tears from falling.

"I trust you." I whispered in my broken voice. He had already parked the car at the sideways, so him staring at me was harmless, unless he denied my request again. "Raihaan, listen to me?"

He abruptly disentangled his hand from mine and harshly changed the gears, stepping at the gas at a rather angry state. I wanted to squeal out in glee but the speed he drove with terrified me.

In a matter of few minutes, he swivelled the car into a rough parking and threw himself out in rage. I slowly got out and placed myself beside him.

Linking hands with him seemed to work and so I sneakily intertwined our fingers again. I gave him a cheeky grin when he flashed me a fiery glare and skipped to the entrance, dragging him with me.


"Release them."

"That's it. You're coming with me right now." He gripped my hand in that steel grip of his and hurled me towards the exit. I stopped him with all the energy I had and he abruptly halted in his steps, raking a hand through his hair in pure wrath. The fire in his amber eyes burned and I stood my stand.

Humayun's mates were locked up in a cell, with permanent scowls etched on their sunken faces, and seeing them in such a beaten and bruised state lost all my control. I glared back at him without holding back this time. He seemed taken aback and I took a daring step towards him. I shoved his right hand towards his face, holding it for him to see.

"This very hand shot a bullet in my brother's chest. You forced me to marry you after that, without as much as asking for my concern. You divided my father's business making yourself a 50% shareholder. You trapped me in your house like a prisoner and then you expected me to forgive you."

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