Cuddling With You | Hyunjin (skz)

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Some days you find yourself spending time in Hyunjin's art studio with him. He would be painting or sketching something on one side of the room and you on the other. You didn't have to be doing something artistic like him, you could even be catching up on work and typing away at the computer, Hyunjin enjoyed your presence. You both enjoyed each other's.

Most of the time you both sat in silence. Occasionally one might put in their headphones to fill the silent room, but never assume the other wants noise. It just was a unspoken rule to keep the peace. It was the best place for the two of you to go when you needed a break away from the real world, but still wanted time together. Hyunjin loved quality time with you more than anything.

But some days, he yearned for a little more than that. Some days, he would glance over to your side of the room to see if you were busy. He would form a plan on how to attract your attention without him verbally saying it. His mind would slowly remove itself from his project, slowly filling with only thoughts of you. Having you in his arms for the rest of the night sounded so tempting.

Tonight was one of those nights you wore headphones. Your back was turned towards him as you typed away at your computer. Although you had finished the paperwork for you job a long time ago, you stayed on the laptop to write a story. It was one you had been working on for quite some time and finally had the will to continue once more. You didn't notice your lover's eyes begging for attention right behind you.

Sighing, Hyunjin finally set down his paintbrush. He realized he wasn't going to have any luck looking longingly your way when you never turned around once. And the longer he waited for you, the more he realized how much he wanted to hold you. It was well past midnight and now he wished for nothing more than your sole focus to be on him. It was far too late in the night for you to still be working on anything important.

Arms wrapped around you from behind, pulling you to the back of your seat and against Hyunjin's chest. These movements startled you and you instantly pulled out the headphones, attempting to turn around and face him. His arms locked you in place and kept you from doing so. He leaned down so his face hid in the crevice of your neck.

"You smell good," he hums softly. "Did you change your soap?"

You laugh. "I used the soap your mother gave me for a birthday gift. Do you like it?"

That's why, he thought. His mother knew what he liked best. Although he loved the scent you used before, because it represented you the most, this smell was almost intoxicating. You smelled like home, love, and memories. Everything he ever cared about all in one bottle. He made a mental note to thank his mother.

"Come to bed?" He asks you, peppering sweet kisses down your neck and to your exposed shoulder.

Although unable to turn, you reached a tender hand to cup Hyunjin's face. "What's wrong, my love? Are you having artist block?"

He shook his head. "No, but I'm so very distracted." Another kiss or two to your bare skin before he finally turned you around to face him. His brown doe eyes were filled with adoration as he gazed upon your own, wondering if you will agree to his request.

You couldn't possibly deny Hyunjin like this. He was already tempting enough when he didn't plead for your attention. But the rare nights where he requested more love than normal, those nights were hard to resist. You found your fingers twirling through his long hair, wrapping it around a couple times before delicately tucking it behind his ear.

"I'm feeling quite tired," you found yourself saying. "I don't mind calling it a night."

Hyunjin was hoping you would say that. He tucked his arms under your own to help you to your feet. But when you paused your movements, not taking a step forward, he was worried you changed your mind.

"What's wrong?"

You smiled slightly. "Kkami..."

You both glance down to your feet where Kkami laid peacefully. His light snores suddenly became more prominent when his presence was noticed. He shuffled comfortably on your feet when you moved to stand up.

Hyunjin frowned. "Why is he okay with cuddling you all the time but now me? The person who's had him since I was 16?"

You giggle and hit his shoulder. "Did you also not want to cuddle with me?" You reach down to gently cradle Kkami into your arms. He adjusted fairly quickly, allowing you to move him into the bedroom with Hyunjin following slowly behind.

Hyunjin wouldn't admit it, but he was jealous. He couldn't tell if he was jealous of you, his lover whom was able to show affection to Kkami and receive it. Or if he was envious of his dog, who could lay by your side all day long and be able to have the most gentle care forever. Either way, he wasn't able to change his situation. He could only watch as you placed Kkami on his dog bed at the foot of your shared bed.

"Good night sweet pup," you coo, petting his head when he raised it. He gave you two small kisses to your nose before snuggling himself into a ball.

Hyunjin crawled into the sheets of your bed. "My turn." His arms out stretched to your figure, beckoning you closer.

You took to your side of the bed, lifting the covers to scootch in easier. You snuggled all the way into Hyunjin's arms, wrapping your legs around his own and burying your face into his chest. He gripped you tightly for a moment, giving you a nice squeeze before releasing you enough that the two of you were comfortable. He wiggled down some and rested his head atop of yours.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you most."

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