Chapter 64: Crystal Clear

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It was the middle of the night in the Tennyson house.

Star got up in the middle of the night. She went down stairs to have a little snack. Then Star was soon encased in a crystal. The Rhombulus walked over to Star. He lifted her up and dropped her making a loud noise. He tried to lift her again but drop this time on his foot. A light went on Ben saw Star in a crystal. Hen was about to use the omnitrix but Rhombulus quickly encased Ben in crystal. "Really?" Rhombulus asked himself. "Allright." Then Rhomobulus used his dimensional scissors to open a portal. "One..." he said as he grabbed Star an placed her through the portal. "And two." he said as he grabbed Ben a placed him through the portal.

Sometime passed in a place that was full of crystal.

"Chancellor Lekmet!" said Rhombulus. Then Lekmet appeared from behind a crystal. Rhomobulus kneeled. "My liege. I come bearing an offering ofgreat momentousness should it please thee."

"Baaaaa." said Lekmet

"Uh, well, it's kinda heavy. I was hoping that thee could down here to see it." Lekmet let out a sigh. He then sat down in a stair lift, which mechanically begin to work. But it got stuck before it got passed the first step. "Oh, dang! is that on the fritz too?" the he walked up to Lekmet. "Oh, hang on I've got you." Then he picked up Lekmet. Then started to walk down the stairs. "So, um, speaking of the interdimensional fritz?"


Rhombulu put Lekmet down once they got to the bottom of the stairs. "I've been doing some digging on my own and, uh, I think I've found what's causing it."


"Stay right there. I present to you the source of the fritz." The Rhombulus revealed Star trapped in crystal.

"Baaaaaa." Lekmet said in shock

"Evidence? I've got your evidence right here. My gut told me she was evil, so I took her out. Boom! No more fritz."


"Yeah. I know she's Queen Butterfly's daughter, but..."


"Okay, t-that kinda hurt. I know it came from a good place, you know but..."

Then the sock covering his left arm ripped open. "Okay, Chancellor, for the record, we had nothing to do with this." said the left arm.

Then the sock covering his right arm ripped open. "Yeah, we told him it was a horrible plan, but Rockhead here didn't wanna hear it." said the right arm

"He never listens to us!"

"But he would listen to you, Lekmet."

"Tell him, Chancellor!"

"Tell him!"

"Baaaaa." said Lekmet in a stressful tone.

"Okay, everybody just calm down." said Rhombulus. He helped Lekmet over to he seat. "Why don't you sit? I'll grab you a glass of warm milk, and then we can talk this out like rational people." Rhombulu went over to the refrigerator and opened it. Once he opened the refrigerator Ben feel out.

"Baaaaaa."Lekmet said as he started to panicked

"Shoot! I forgot I put him there." Rhombulus set Ben up. "Okay, so I actually don't know who this is. A servant maybe? A very tall dwarf? But he's definitely evil. Gut's honor."

"Baaa. Baaaa."

"You'll what? Oh, please don't call the Magical High Commission.


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