Chapter 36: War of the Worlds, Pt 2

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Ben started to wake up and saw the Highbreed war ships. The rest started to enter the creator. Star helped Ben up.

"We're to late." said Star

"It's never too late. New plan." said Ben. The rest stood there quite waiting for Ben's plan. "Working on it."

"That's reassuring." said Kevin

"Got it! We break into the Highbreed control room and force the Highbreed captain to make his retreat!"

"That's your big plan?" said Darkstar

"Hey, how many times have I beaten you?"

"Twice, but just at this moment, I can't imagine how."

"The main control tower will be the most heavily guarded building in the city." said Azmuth

"Precisely my point. How do you propose to get inside?"

"Leave it to me." said Azmuth

Ben, Star, Kevin, Gwen and Pony Head entered Kevin's car.

"You coming with us Pony Head?" asked Star

"Of course I'm coming, B-fly. After all we're besties." said Pony Head

"So we're gonna drive to the control tower?" asked Gwen

"Uh-huh." said Kevin. Then he pressed a button on his car. The car started to morph.

"When did you get all this stuff?" asked Ben

"When didn't I? Every time we found some alien tech, I tossed it in the trunk, and whenever I hade free time..."

"You work on the car." said Gwen

"Yep." Kevin started to drive the car. DNAliens started to fire at the car. Kevin hit a button and the car started to fire at the DNliens. A truck pulled up in front of them.

"You're not going to stop, are you?" asked Ben

"Nope." Kevin fired some missiles and destroyed the truck. Gwen put a dome around the car to protect them from the fire as they jumped thru it.

"And this is why we always wear our seatbelts."

"Nobody like a backseat driver." The warships started to fire Kevin monuver to dodged the blasts. Kevin fired a building and started to drive thru it.

"I haven't had this much fun, since that time you four came to St. Olga's." said Pony Head

Kevin stopped right in front of the main control tower. They got out of the car.

"Run to the control room. Then we fight." said Ben

"I was afraid you were gonna say that." said Kevin. He then pressed the auto attack button on his car. The car started to drive of on its own and started to attack the DNAliens in front of the main control tower. "That'll hold them for a while!" Kevin said as they started to run towards the tower. The car cleared a path and continued to attack the DNAliens. Ben Star and Pony Head started up the stairs as Kevin and Gwen stopped.

"Kevin, come on!" said Gwen

"I'm gonna miss that car." said Kevin. The they started to climb the stairs.

They continued to climb the stairs. "The highbred have starships and they haven't invented the elevator?"

They made it to the door. Kevin absorbed some stone. "It's hero time!" said Ben as he hit the omnitrix. "Swampfire!" Ben then started to burn a hole through the door.

"Tennyson. That is you, isn't it? All of you lesser species look alike to me." said the Highbreed

"Yeah, yeah. You're all superior and pure-blooded, and we're all maggots. Don't have time for that today." said Ben

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