Chapter 40: Vengeance of Vilgax, Pt 2

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Out of the ruble Gwen expanded her doom that was protecting her and Star to remove the debris.

"Ben?" said Star in a worried tone

"Kevin?" said Gwen also in a worried tone

Chromastone came out of the rubble. Star walked over to him. Then Spidermonkey got out of the rubble. "Okay, what is going on here?" Then both Chromastone and Spidermonkey started to run away.

"Ben, come back. Uh, both of you!" said Gwen

"What are you talking about? I'm right here." said Ben as he got out of the rubble. The Goops antigravity device floated out of the rubble and he started to get away. "And over there. Okay, what's going on here?"

"I asked that as well." said Star

They heard Kevin groaning. They ran over to where the heard Kevin and started to dig him out. "Kevin you ofay under there?" The freed Kevin from the rubble. Gwen gasped once she saw him.

"What? Half the garage fell on me. Course I look a little..." said Kevin as Gwen pulled out her compact mirror and showed him what he looks like now. "banged-up. No!" Kevin slapped the mirror out of Gwen's hand. "I'm a monster again!"

"Calm down, Kevin. Just try and change back to normal." said Gwen

"Right. Just concentrate." Kevin tried to change back but nothing changed. "It's not working. It must be feedback from the watch, like the last time."

"But Ben knows a lot more about the omnitrix now. Maybe he can do something. Right Ben?" As Kevin and Gwen were talking Ben was messing with the omnitrix. "Ben?"

Ben stopped messing with the omnitrix. "Everyone look at this. It must have been the explosion. I'm missing Chromastone, Goop, Spidermonkey, and Way Big." said Ben

"How did he mange to sneak away?" asked Star

The omnitrix started to show Azmuth again. "Ben Tennyson! I warned you of the consequences of tampering with the omnitrix." said Azmuth. Star was about to speak. "You have defy my instructions. The escaped geno archetypes -"

"That what?" asked Ben

"Your transformations - they will perish if they aren't restored to the omnimatrix with in 24 hours. And if they do that, their powers will be lost to you forever!"

"How do I put them back?"

"When you're close, set the omnitrix to "capture" mode. It will do the rest."

"The yellow setting." said Gwen

"You have disappointed me, Ben Tennyson. I shall not help you again." Then Azmuth disappeared.

"Gwen can you track my transformations by their mana?" asked Ben

Gwen's eyes started to glow. "No. They're all the same as you." said Gwen

"Not a problem. They all have an omnitrix thingy. We can track them with our badges." said Kevin

Later in Kevin's car they were driving down the road searching for Ben's forms.

"Hey, Kevin, why don't you change back to normal? You have been ugly for like 40 miles." said Ben

"I can't." said Kevin


"I can't!"

"Ben. Weren't you listening back at the garage?" asked Gwen

"The omnitrix was on the fritz. I did not know. I was just kidding around." said Ben

"Let me bring you up to speed. Thanks to your girlfriend, I can't turn back. I'm a monster." said Kevin

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