Chapter 39: Adjustment

Start from the beginning

-"I'm sorry I should have thought about it more." Alden says embarrassed.

-"Don't be sorry. The kiss was nice though. It's just me." I say.

-"Well whenever you are ready I'm here." He says.

-"I have to continue my check ups but I'll see you around." I say.

-"Yeah I should probably get back to helping Earl." Alden says and goes to walk out.

-"Hey make sure you don't burn yourself anymore." I say.

-"I won't." He says and walks out.


-"Knock knock daily rounds. Anything Jesus needs to know." Tara says.

-"I still need room in the garden for medicinal herbs." I say to Tara.

-"Anything else." She says and looks at her checklist.

-"Not to my knowledge. Oh I need to talk to you about something personal. Can you come back after your rounds." I say.

-"Of course." She says and walks out of the trailer and I continue my check up with my patient.


-"You need to talk about something." Tara says and sits down on one of the empty beds in the infirmary.

-"Yeah. Alden kissed me." I say.

-"Oh. Is that a good thing?" Tara asks.

-"Yeah I liked it but I guess it's just- I don't know if I'm ready." I say.

-"If you're not ready for that type of relationship Ava that's okay. I'm sure Alden gets it." Tara says.

-"He gets it. He always understands me even when I don't understand myself. The thing is, it's been 9 years since Carl died. I thought I would be ready by now." I say.

-"You lost someone you fell in love with someone you have a child with. It is perfectly normal to not be ready for another relationship." Tara says.

-"I still miss him so much." I say and a tear goes down my cheek.

-Tara tries to comfort me.

-"No matter what, just remember that Carl would want you to be happy." Tara says.

-"I know." I say and wipe the tear off my cheek.

-"Is that Aaron." Tara says looking out the window of the trailer to the open gate. Which is strange because we haven't seen him since Alexandria closed it's self off from us and the Kingdom.

-I look out and see two horses coming in quickly. Jesus and Aaron get off the horses quickly and take an unconscious Rosita off the horse and help her to the trailer.

-"What happened?" I say when they place her on the bed.

-"We don't know we were out there and a flare went off and we found her." Jesus says.

-I cheek the blood on her to see where its coming from. I must just be walker blood because there are no cuts scratches or bites. I check her eyes and they're sunken which tells me that she's dehydrated. I put her on an IV to get her in a normal state because she is currently passed out.

-"Can you ask Joanna if she can watch Maya tonight?" I say to Tara.

-"Yeah." She says.

-I stay up most of the night thinking about what Carl said to me in his letter to me.

-You will find someone again that you will love and when that time comes I hope you don't feel bad about it. I shouldn't feel guilty about having feelings for Alden. Carl would want me to be happy. I love Carl and always will but I think it's time to let someone else in my heart.

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