xliii - you maniac

Start from the beginning

His body aches, at the same time, it doesn't hurt.

He attempts to move but Phil holds him still, "Careful, you're healing..We're trying to get your temperature up and have your hypothermia signs gone..After a few while you'll do good- Your condition would have worsened if you were under a snowstorm..thank the gods you are spared."

Murmuring another thanks to his beloved above, he tucks Tommy in with more blankets, "Stay down..you can't move your limbs at the moment. Would you like me to interrogate you as to how you got into this situation?"

Since Tommy can't say no, Niki does it for him, "Like you said, it's probably best to give him space for now, Phil. He must be in pain."

She knows well by now that Tommy cannot feel anything, still, she didn't want him to be forced to answer these questions as to what happened to him.

Wilbur hums, "As much as I would like to give him rest, there must be a reason as to why he got there...He came a long way to get there..something must have happened to Tubbo?"

Ghostboo flares up at the sudden assumption yet hides their concern with a smile. A ghost should not care.

A ghost should not care.

Since no one spoke back, he continues, "He could have ran away. If my memory serves me right, Tubbo has been unstable since then. Tommy must have fled because of that." He then snickers, "I swear- That poor ex-president has gone more demented than I am-"

Niki smacks him from those words, "Snowchester is far away from here. It takes either a trident, boats, or stacks of ender pearl to get out of that dangerous island. Tommy couldn't have run away from his own. He had help. Something's not right here.." She rebuts his statement, still leading everyone quiet to think and stare.

"Ow.." The revived man mutters, rubbing the spot where she hit him.

It took a while for them to notice that Tommy has been spacing out from all their speculations, his eyes blank and grey...a void instilling each of them,

"Tommy? Are you alright?" Phil asks, softly, shaking his shoulders to snap him out of it. No response.

Zoning out again? A daydream? Flashback? Seizing? Gods, it could be anything-

"Something bad happened..I can feel it." Niki murmurs, anxiety floods with her tiny voice as Wilbur chuckles,

"It's all about the gut feeling now, isn't it?"

That made Niki go sour at his statement. It felt like he's mocking her, but that's to no one's surprise,

"You are right about one thing: He didn't come here on his own. Someone did help him but who knows who helped him get here." He pokes on his stitches; a habit he eventually earned.

He tends to accidentally rip them off and has to redo them up over and over in time, "Could it have been Tubbo? That would mean something bad did happen. And if worse comes to shove, Tubbo is in danger."

Ghostboo's ear perks up at those words.

It's about Tubbo again.

Why does their heart weigh so heavy?

"Do you think it's probably best to check on him..er..Ghostboo?"

The ghost eyes the group, their smile reaching their cheeks, "It might take a little while to be able to teleport right now, Niki..Had to take Aimsey home and have him take care of Michael..As much as I wish to visit Tubbo right now..I can't."

Niki was reminded of their state and was about to say something about that but Techno grunts to grab everyone's attention as he leans by the doorside, "If you guys done with Theseus, it might be best to leave him for now. We haven't eaten lunch yet so-"

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now