It's Finally Hit Me... [20]

Comenzar desde el principio

"But they said the body was-Oh..."

"Yeah... so help me I need your help and only your help."

"What with?"

"I need to get Tellie..."

"You can't!" she snapped.

"That's why I need your help."

"Your dead!" She pointed out.

"Please She's my only daughter! I can't leave without her!"

"Louis..."She mumbled sadly.

"That's the problem..."

"When can I see you?"

"I'm coming to London as soon as we get a plan."

"A plan for what? Kidnapping your daughter!" I shivered at the words. As true as it was that wasn't how I would say it. I wanted to kidnap a child...MY CHILD!

"Don't put it that way...please?"

"You might not have to 'take' her..."

"What do you mean?" I asked getting confused.

"It's finally hit Louis... He's scared now... Completely crept out! And Harry said Louis was saying stuff about you know... Giving up." I sighed.

"I could Louis saying that... Who's Harry?"

"Oh right your dead..."

"Darian... Can you get me a place to stay in London? We could plan easier..."The last part was a lie... I wanted to go to London to see her my baby sister who I hadn't seen in forever.

"Well... One Direction are starting tour soon so you need to be here by tomorrow!"

"I'll catch a plane now!" I yelled running into my bedroom to put together some stuff.

"We better work quick..."

"Were can I meet you?"

"I'll met you at London airport. They're having a concert in two nights so we need time."

"I'm coming!"

"Oh shit Zayn's coming." She mumbled

"Who's Zayn?" I asked as I herd footsteps on the other end of the line.

"Hey beautiful." Some one said.

"Hey Zayn. I'm on the phone."

"Can't you hang up?"

"NO SHE BLOODY CAN'T!"I yelled hopping this 'Zayn' might hear.

"Baby I'll be done soon just go." She whispered. I herd kissing noises and footsteps.

"Sorry..."She mumbled.

"So met me at London airport." I told her as I shoved stuff into a backpack.

"yes but I need a cover story... Zayn's going to want to come with me... Disguise your self please."

"My hair is now Black..."I told her.

"Shit! Really?"

"Yes really."

"I can't wait to see you."

"Me too." I replied tears forming.

"Why can't you just come back?" She asked quietly.

"Cause I don't want to be where I was before I left." I told her truthfully.

"Which was?"

"I...I don't want to talk about it..."

"OK hurry..."

"I love you." I said before hanging up. LETS GO!

I put all my belongings in the back and put my credit card and a $100 note in my pocket. LONDON HERE I COME!


I sat on the plane. It should take at least seven hours to fly to London but the dark clouds in the sky guaranteed an extra hour or two... I sighed as I looked out the window. I was flying the London basically to kidnap my daughter...

"Is this seat taken?"

I looked up and saw a man standing over the seat next to me.

"No...You can take it." I said shaking my head.

"Great." He replied sitting next to me. "No boyfriend I guess."

"Nope." I replied popping the 'p'

"Surprised." He smirked.


"Well a beautiful girl like you..." I felt my cheeks go red... Who is this guy?

"I'm Phoebe" I said smiling.

"Josh." He replied putting his hand out for me to shake.

"Were you going?" I asked trying to start conversation.

"Oh I'm a drummer..."

"Sounds interesting..."I undid the lid of the water bottle I'd gotten of the flight attendant and started gulping it down.

"I'm drumming for One Direction." I spat water out.

"ThebandwithLouistomlinson?" I spat out.


"The band with Louis Tomlinson?" I panted my heart beating fast.

"Yeah..."He smirked. SHIT!

"Impressed?" He asked flirtatiously.

"The exact opposite." I mumbled. He looked confused. THIS IS BAD!

What if he told Louis?

Louis would die!

What if Darian tells Louis that I'm coming? Then I'll never get my daughter back!

What will Louis say?

What will my parents say?

What will everyone say!


So many bad things could happen! It's OK Phoebe it's OK think positive...

I could get my daughter back...

Louis will never know...

I may get to see Darian rarely...

I'll live life better...Good...

Everything will turn out perfect.... except for Louis... He'll be heart broken... Having my life perfect and ruining Louis's.... Or the other way round....

"Hey!" Josh mused looking at my face." You look like Louis's kid..."


Little Tomlinson *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora