"Kyō? Has he returned?" Your eyes shined happily and Tengen immediately felt his heart clench to see you so happy.

However, this is far from a happy moment and he hated to be the bearer of bad news.

"Where is he? Is he here?!" You quickly glanced around Tengen's tall frame, hoping to see your husband standing there behind him.

Alas, you are met with no such thing and only saw Shinobu there.

Your heart drops and you clutch the teacup in your hands as Tengen gently places his hand on your shoulders. You try to stay positive, thinking everything's alright and that Kyōjurō has returned home safe and sound.

Everything's okay.

Kyōjurō's okay.


"I'm sorry, (Name)." Tengen's words snaps you back.

Your blood instantly runs cold as your smile fades when you see his expression.

"What'd you mean, T-Tengen?" You swallow thickly, feeling unnecessary dread course through you.

"What happened? Is Kyō injured?" You'd asked.

Please let him be injured, please let him be injured, and not...

Tengen bit his lip as a single tear slips down his face. The silence between you is thick and you feel your heart sink down into the pit of your stomach. Dread washes over you.

"Kyōjurō's dead, (Name)." He finally tells you.

You stared, open-mouthed, unable to comprehend what he'd just told you.

Momentarily, there's a shriek and at first, Shinobu thought it must've been the kettle whistling over the hibachi grill, but quickly realized that that cry had came from you as you broke down crying, whilst begging Tengen to tell you what happened to your husband.

You had dropped the teacup and it had shattered on the floor. A sudden sensation of intense sorrow slithered up your spine.

"No," the sting of tears clouded your vision and opening knew wounds to show you that you're now going be alone for the rest of your damned life.

"No, Tengen. No, you're lying! Don't - don't lie to me!" You cried, beating your fists against the Sound Pillar's chest and he immediately wraps his arms around you as he holds you tightly, wanting you to let it all out.

However, it does little to soothe the painful ache in your heart. Your broken sobs and cries echoing throughout the Butterfly Estate.

You thought of Kyōjurō's smile; how his eyes shined with love and joy. Tears like rain on an afternoon sunset sliding down down your face.

"I'm so sorry, (Name)," Tengen wishes he was lying─God, he wished it so hard, and seeing you cry only tugged harder at his heartstrings even more.

"No!" you refused to believe it, even against all logic.

There was lack evidence.

"Where is he?! Where?!" A cold chill replaces the warmth of the room as sublimation rolls off of you in thick waves.

You refuse to believe!

⎣Demon Slayer: Yōkai Wife⎤ [雪花] |Kyōjurō Rengoku x Yuki-onna!Reader|Where stories live. Discover now