72 : Shrugged Off

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The soccer ace is now walking Mina back to the Junior dormitories after the latter went to the Sophomore dorms earlier to somehow console the wrongly fuming tiger cub.

They are finally almost at the end of the connecting path in the open field after treading awfully slowly in utter silence since their long talk that involved a certain theater director.

Mina loudly clears her throat to start a conversation. "Hey, Son Chaeyoung."

"Hu— Huh?" The smaller girl hesitated to answer for a second. She noticed that Mina has this habit of calling her full name when there is something going on. "Yeah?"

The time now is around nine in the evening. The jog path that the two girls are traversing is nicely lit with park lamps. There are some students doing late night runs that pass by them from time to time.

"I just remembered." The council president gives the soccer ace an unamused look. "You just called me Mina earlier. Just plain Mina. And not just once. A lot of times if I may say."

Chaeyoung opened her mouth, then closed it again. She is caught off guard and is indeed guilty of the act. "He— Hey— I— I was jealous and frustrated! And it was partly your fault!"

"AHH. I see." Mina nods her head a couple of times in a taunting manner. "Hmm... I bet you really are one jealous girl then, Ms. 'See you around, Mina'."

"HEY! I—"

"So you're that type who drops the pet name when you're that mad, huh?"

"But that was— UGH." The soccer girl lets out a sigh of defeat, obviously giving up trying to explain herself. "Minariiiii. Stop that. Come on, I'm sorryyyyy."

Mina continued in a sarcastic tone. "Oooh. Are you now Ms. 'not answering my call five times and hesitating to meet me outside'?"

"Hey, come on!" Chaeyoung pouts in an attempt to make some cutesy effect. "I really am sorry, Minari. Plus, you know that I was just acting hurt that time."

"Chaeng—" Mina stifles a gummy smile. Of course, the smaller girl has that effect on her. "We're not even official together yet but with the way you're acting like you own me, people may think we're already a married couple for some years with even several kids."

"Why?" The soccer ace raises an eyebrow. "Don't you want to marry me in the future? Don't you want to have kids with me?"

"Hey, you know that's not the point!" The council president points a finger at her. "Quit that habit of yours where you just always pick the words you want to hear!"

"Okay, okay." Chaeyoung promptly chuckles. "But, Minari. I think it's better when you're the one getting jealous."

"Huh? Why? What are you saying?"

"You know, I just noticed." Chaeyoung flashes a wide smirk. "When it's me who gets jealous... we usually end up with remarkable promises and good talks."

"And..." Mina scrunches her eyebrows, surely not predicting what the other girl was about to say. "What's not good with that?"

"Well, when it is the other way around..." The soccer ace maintains her playful smile. "When it is you who gets jealous... we usually end up with a remarkable and a pretty good kiss. Oh, correction. Lots of kisses if I may— OUCH."

Chaeyoung wasn't able to finish her sentence properly because Mina quickly hit her arm. "That hurts!"

The council president just gave her a proud look and faintly chuckled. "You deserved it."

"Hey. You are one violent—"

"What?" Mina immediately cuts her in a threatening tone.

The soccer ace then slowly reaches out to intertwine her hands with the council president. "One violent, pretty girl who I absolutely love."

Right after hearing that, Mina stifles a wide gummy smile and slowly looks at Chaeyoung who is already waiting for her to scan her reaction.

They then stared at each other for a second in silence, but the smaller girl decided to playfully wink, causing the two of them to suddenly burst into chuckles.

The two of them simply continued walking awfully slowly towards the dormitories after that. They were obviously taking their time and cruising the open field like they were on a late night date.

When they were almost in front of the entrances, something popped up on the soccer ace's head. She suddenly asks in wonder. "Minari."


Chaeyoung looks at her with faint worry. "You didn't let me correct RM at the coffee shop last time when he assumed that you were my girlfriend."

"Son Chaeyoung." Mina oddly becomes serious all of a sudden. "RM is a very chatty guy, right? We both know that. He never stops talking even when we were classmates in senior high school."

"Exactly. Now, he might blabber to our common friends that Myoi Mina is my girl. Well—" Chaeyoung shrugs. "Not that I would complain or something like—"

"That Chaeryoung girl is also your and RM's common friend, right?" The council president raises one of her eyebrows. "Lee Chaeryoung, I mean. That cheer girl from the awards night at the soccer field. The one who got your number oh-so smoothly."

"Ye— yeah. I think—" The soccer ace nods, awkwardly chuckling. "I think she is. W— Why?"

Mina smirks naughtily. "Then I hope RM will blabber a lot to her."

"Huh— What—" Chaeyoung playfully scoffs and shakes her head when her mind realizes what the other girl was scheming from the start. "Hey, Myoi Mina. I think you're using your brain in a—"

"So the cheer girl from the Collegiate League has a name, huh?" The council president nods slowly, pursuing the topic at hand. "Lee Chaeryoung, huh?"

"Wait— Let—" Chaeyoung is now suddenly starting to get restless. "Let's not talk about—"

"So she was even texting you and trying to call you since then, huh?" Mina continues in a smirk, obviously trying to be a tease at the moment. "That Lee Chaeryoung. I see."

"Hey, Myoi Mina!" The smaller girl suddenly yells and points a finger to her. "I never answered her! I never called back. I never texted back. I swear—"

"Interesting." Mina states confidently. "Lee Chaeryoung. I'll take note of her name."

"What do you mean take note of her— Ugh! Minariiii. How could you always turn things around with me?!" The soccer player wasn't able to do anything but just whine while the council president chuckled at her in teasing.

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