58 : Favor

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Chaeyoung is all alone in their room, reading a book.

It is now a little past nine in the evening. Her roommate is still outside after giving her a heads up earlier, teasing the soccer ace that Jeongyeon will be out having dinner with Chaeyoung's future extended family.

Her phone suddenly chimes. She immediately picks it up with absolute haste like she was just waiting for the universe to give her something else to do other than highlighting her book in Physics 101.

Minatozaki Sana : My best friend has just stepped outside. I'm not sure where she's going. Do me a favor and escort her for me.

"Huh?" The soccer ace scrunches her eyebrows. She quickly replies back.

"What are you talking about? Where is she?"

She springs from their room's study table, going straight to their dorm closet to grab an oversized hoodie. Her phone chimed again which she hurriedly picked up to read.

Minatozaki Sana : Are you a fool? I just told you that I'm not sure where she's going, right? Figure that out yourself.

"Tsk." Chaeyoung didn't waste another second. She shakes her head and taps the call button to dial the cheer captain's number. It just took one beep before the other line was answered. "What are you talking about, Sana? Dropping me a weird message like that about Minari. It's making me anxious as hell. What's happening?"

"Ugh." Sana replies in an annoyed tone. "Okay. Let me explain slowly to you, you slow witted kid, okay?"

The soccer ace scoffs. "Okay. But do it quickly, please."

"Tzuyu is in my room. My best friend told me that she suddenly has to do something outside. Of course, I'm sure that she just wanted to step out to let your fiancée and me talk alone. My beloved Mina is doing me a favor so I'm also doing her a favor by asking you to accompany her."

"Okay, okay." Chaeyoung walks towards their dorm room's door. "Got it. I'll call her instead."

Sana spoke unamused. "That girl left her phone here in the room. So use your instincts like a proper tiger cub would do and find out where that penguin went on this cold night."

"Ugh. Seriously—" The soccer ace is now walking on the building's hallways. "I will look for her. Okay. Thanks hamster. Bye."

"Bye, bye."

—— After eight minutes ——

Chaeyoung almost sprinted from the sophomore dorms across the open field to the junior dorms. She was hoping that she will catch Mina at the building's entrance if ever the latter opted to leave the dorms and loiter somewhere else.

"Whew. Thank goodness." She uttered in between deep breaths from her mini run. She has indeed caught up to the council president. She saw Mina just stepping out of the dorm's entrance like on cue when her line of sight reached the building's first floor.

However, there is an extra person that Chaeyoung never intended and wanted to see tonight who exited the building with the council president.

"Really, now?" The soccer ace mumbles annoyingly. She quickly walked towards the girl she was searching for. "Minari."

"Oh. Chaeng?" Mina automatically smiled wider after seeing the smaller girl treading to her, a few meters from her current location. "What are you doing here at this hour? Were you looking for Jeongyeon?"

Chaeyoung didn't answer. Instead, she just glared daggers at the awkwardly standing guy beside the council president.

"Umm— I— I guess you now have an escort, huh?" Bambam clears his throat, glancing in between Mina and the soccer ace.

"I don't know about that. I'm just as surprised as you that she's here." The council president turns to Chaeyoung. "Chaeng. Do you have something to do—"

"I'm now taking her." The soccer ace slowly slides her arm to wrap Mina's waist, all the while staring intensely at the theater director. "I ran here as fast as I could but I can't believe someone's already here."


"This guy's free to leave now."

"B— Bye then." Bambam awkwardly chuckles as he bows and waves to the two of them, hurriedly walking away from the two girls.

As soon as the theater director is out of earshot, Chaeyoung looks at Mina unamused. "Why is he with you?"

The council president pauses and stifles a smile. "I know those eyes you are using with me right now, Son Chaeyoung."

"I asked you a question, Minari." The soccer ace replies in a blank tone, though still wrapping her arm to the other girl's waist. "Don't change the topic. Why is that guy with you?"

"Chaeng." Mina moves to cup the smaller girl's face. "I went to Dahyun's room in the hopes that she could accompany me to the vending machines. It just so happened that Bambam was there trying to borrow some notes from a class that the two of them shared. When he heard about it, he offered to go with me instead."

"Of course he would." Chaeyoung rolls her eyes. "You should've asked me to—"

"I left my phone in the room." The council president quickly answers in clear prediction of what she was about to hear. "And since I'm not sure how serious that talk between Sana and Tzuyu would be... I think you would agree that it would be absolutely awkward if I suddenly walked inside the dorm room with the two of them either sobbing at each other's shoulders... Really hard. Or maybe making out... Really hard also."

Chaeyoung lets out a deep sigh of defeat and looks down. "Okay, okay. I get it."

Mina flashes an accomplished gummy smile. She then lets go of the smaller girl's face. "Would you accompany me now to the vending machines?"

"Of course, I will." The soccer ace also let go of the other girl's waist as the two of them started walking towards the direction of the cafeteria. "I even ran here as fast as I could to make sure I could find you here. Tsk. Turns out there's someone faster than me."

"Hey. I already told you it was just a coincidence, okay?" The council president chuckles. "I just happened to have thought of Dahyun and he just happened to be—"

"Ugh." Chaeyoung rolls her eyes. "Okay, okay. Enough of it. Sorry, I'll also stop bringing it up."

"Good." Mina glances at her. "Did Sana tell you?"

The soccer ace nods. "Yeah. She did."

"I knew it. Weren't you busy?"

Chaeyoung pauses to stare at her, continuing in a proud tone. "Never for you, Myoi Mina."

"Wow." Mina chuckles in a combination of bliss and teasing. "Then, I guess it would just be fair for me to buy you a drink?"

"Well... A kiss would be—" Chaeyoung purses her lips.

The soccer ace didn't receive a kiss like she was about to request but Mina's warm hand that swiftly reached out to hers made her smile like crazy. She glances at it, then to the innocent looking girl beside her who is slowly walking with her.

Mina glances at Chaeyoung, then shyly smiles as she glues her eyes to the ground, continuing to stay quiet like savoring the moment.

The smaller girl bites her lower lip and mumbles. "Yeah. I think a drink would also be just nice."

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