39 : A Friend

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—— Last night at the Valentine's Party——

Sana is now lazily walking towards the mock hotel's exit that her best friend pointed to her. She has just walked a couple of meters but there have been a number of students already calling out to her.

"Hi, Sana."

"Hello, Miss Pretty."

"Hey, Miss Cheer Captain."

The vice president, even in her drunken state, politely smiles and waves to some who she recognizes.

One guy from the crowd proudly stepped out and wore a proud smirk. In all fairness, his fitted blue top is not doing any justice to his chiseled body. He held onto the drunk cheer captain's arm. "Wait, Minatozaki Sana. Isn't it too early yet to walk out of this place?"

Sana paused to examine him from head to toe, then looked at him in a grin. "You're taking care of your body really well."

The guy had his smile wider this time, seemingly pleased with what he just heard. "Thanks. If you're in haste to go out of the party, why don't the two of us make an escape—"

"Sorry." The cheer captain gently frees her arm from him. "I really like how yummy looking you are but I'm not looking for a hookup right now."

"Oh, come on." The guy once again holds her arm. "It'll be fun. I promise you that—"

"Sorry, Mr. Muscle." Sana removes her arm from his grip for the second time, this time in a rougher way. "Look. I may be a bit drunk but I won't forget that I already have a baby who is... unfortunately not with me on Valentine's day because she is having dinner with her fiancée."

"Hu— Huh?" He looked at her in heightened confusion. Sana's previous statement definitely would never make sense to anyone who is unaware of her personal life.

"What I'm trying to say is... I already have a baby who looks like an adorable baby to me and is acting like a total—"


"Oh!" The cheer captain quickly turns to the direction of the familiar voice she always hear almost everyday for the past three years. She quickly embraces her as soon as she was within her reach. She whines in pout. "Dahyunieee... I think I'm starting to feel dizzy."

"Let's wait for Pres outside. I'm sure she'll be here sooner."

"Hmm? You know what's happening with Mina."

"Yep." Dahyun starts walking slowly, dragging her drunk friend who is trying to cling onto her like a koala. "I— I happen to have been near you two when Momo called out to her."

Sana simply nods her head sluggishly. The council secretary continued to move her legs not until they were finally outside of the place.

"Wait, wait, wait. Sana! What are you doing?"

Sana began to wiggle down like a melting jelly. "I wanna lie downnnn."

"Not on the pavement, Minatozaki!" Dahyun quickly pulls her up and looks around. "Come on. Let's sit on a nearby bench."

The council secretary began to basically drag her drunk friend again towards a nearby bench a few meters from their previous location. As soon as they reach the bench, Sana quickly plops herself on it while Dahyun just shakes her head a bit while chuckling.

After a minute of simply staring at her drunk friend who is now comfortably slouching on the bench, the council secretary decides to sit on the space right beside her. "Hey, Sana."

"Hmm?" Sana moves to place her head on the other girl's shoulder.

"Is there something going on with you?"

The cheer captain faintly giggles. "Dahyunie knows me well."

Dahyun looks at her unamused. "You're like an open book to me, Sana."

"Hmm..." Sana lets out a deep sigh and stares at the ground. "I hope Tzu also sees me exactly like an open book."

The council secretary simply watched her in silence for a moment. She contemplated for a minute what to say with the dramatic looking drunk beside her. "Umm... Sana?"


Dahyun wears a playful faint smile. "You're not dating a fortune teller, you know."

The cheer captain scoffs. "And what does that—"

"Stop being immature and talk about whatever misunderstanding this is with Chou Tzuyu."

"But, Tzuyu broke my heart!"

"Huh? What do you mean by— Wait." Dahyun quickly shot her eyes to her. "Don't tell me she's cheating on you?"

"No. Not like that. Tzuyu— she—" Sana inhales deeply. "I feel like she doesn't know me. She doesn't trust me. She—"

The council secretary squints her eyes at her. "Hold on, Sana. I don't think I'm following—"

"She's too naive of things!" The cheer captain started yelling. "It was cute at first but now it's starting to annoy me!"

Dahyun immediately looks around, making sure they are not catching any unwanted attention. She then dramatically massages her temples. "Sana—"

"I hate her!"

"You're just drunk right now that's why you're saying that."

"I'm not!" Sana crossed her arms in front of her. She pouted and sulked after that.

Dahyun just let out a defeated sigh, staying silent and letting her cool down a little. She looks at the mock hotel's exit, still not spotting Mina anywhere. Then, she lets out another deep sigh. "Sana."

"Don't talk to me."

"Look." The council secretary faces Sana and holds the latter's shoulder. "I— Sana. I know that Tzuyu likes you a lot. Like really a lot. I—"

"And how would you know that?"

"Because I—" Dahyun purses her lips. "I just know. I know that look that she gives you. I just know."

"Ugh." Sana rolls her eyes.

"And I know you also like her a lot."

"And how would you—"

"Because— because I just know, okay?" Dahyun balls her fists momentarily. "I know the difference in how you look at Tzuyu versus how you look at— compared to how you look at other people. But what I want to say is—"


"Wait. Let me finish first, Minatozaki!" The council secretary paused after giving her a glare. She only started talking again when Sana softly nodded. "What I want to say is... I'm your friend. All these years I've seen you go on countless hookups that you treated like past time. When Tzuyu went back to your life, I saw how different you were. And I—" She heaves in a deep breath before continuing, looking straight into Sana's eyes. "I genuinely want you to be happy... because I am your friend."

"Okay." The cheer captain relaxes her shoulders. She moves to lean again on Dahyun's shoulder. "I will think about it."

"Don't just think about it. Do it, Minatozaki." The council secretary reaches out to hold her hand. "And if Tzuyu still doesn't get you after that... or if she pretended to have understood you and then broke your heart in the process, I— I will— I promise to be there for you to pick you up... because I am your friend."

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