25 : Divide and Conquer

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"Ma'am?" The staff at the counter called the vice president back. She is actually still in the middle of ordering her coffee.

"Oh, sorry." Sana apologetically smiled at the person tending to her order and continued where they left off. She was having trouble finding the right pastry she wanted because there were already some items sold out for the day.

On the other hand, the five girls at the table quickly huddled like they were members of some kind of a sports team in the middle of a crucial part of an important game.

"Okay. This is what we're going to do." Jeongyeon started in almost a whisper, making sure her voice was only heard by the people around the table. "We would want to minimize the damages here. And certainly, I don't want to be the object of that hamster's anger the moment she knows about this."

Chaeyoung scrunches her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"I think I have just thought of a great plan." The council treasurer flashes a proud grin to everyone.

The soccer ace scoffs playfully. "Says the girl who just proclaimed about an hour ago that I was engaged to her girlfriend."

"Let's hear it first." Mina comments. "Quickly though, Jeong. Before Sana comes over and we all mess up somehow."

"Okay. Here it is." Jeongyeon glances at the vice president, making sure that the girl is still talking to the staff on the shop's counter. "As soon as Sana gets here, Pres has to suddenly leave for some council stuff and Chaeyoung, being the clingy woman she is, will escort Pres back to the university."

The council treasurer checks on the vice president again who is now paying for her order. "Then, after another fifteen minutes, Nayeon has to go back to the hospital for a follow-up checkup and being the responsible girlfriend I am, I will come with her."

Tzuyu perked up at what she just heard. "Wait. Unnie still needs a follow up checkup?"

"Ugh." Jeongyeon rolls her eyes. "She doesn't have one! We're trying to make excuses here, right? Keep up, Chou Tzuyu!"

The cheer captain simply mouths an 'Oh' innocently. "Then... What about me?"

"That's the interesting part. We will be doing this in a divide and conquer style." The council treasurer grins. "We'll leave Sana all to you."

"I—" Tzuyu glances at the girls around the table with anxiousness. She now looks like a kid who is about to cry after getting bullied. "I don't think I like where this is going."

Nayeon is simply watching the two important girls in her life converse with an unreadable expression. Chaeyoung and Mina decided to stay silent as well.

The council treasurer continued to speak. "You told us earlier that there is something important that you want Sana to know first before anyone else, right?"

"Yeah. That's right. But I wasn't planning on telling her today. I'm not yet prepared to—"

"Uh-uh. No more excuses, Tzuyu. Now, I believe Chaeyoung has been giving Pres the details of this fixed marriage. And... although I'm not that intrigued now knowing that it isn't my girlfriend who's engaged to someone else, this bunny here can do the same for me. As for you..." Jeongyeon points a finger to Tzuyu and gazes at her in a threatening way. "You will have to tell Sana everything."

"But I'm not that good at—"

"You have to promise me." The council treasurer firmly says. "It is your responsibility to tell her after all."

Then, Jeongyeon and Tzuyu went into some kind of an intense and fierce staring battle for a moment.

"Jeongyeon Unnie—"

"You still owe me one with how you got your Nayeon Unnie involved in this."

And that is what made the younger girl let out a defeated sigh, finally nodding in agreement to the whole divide and conquer plan. "Okay, okay. I will tell Sana everything."

—— After Thirty Minutes——

It is now just Tzuyu and Sana in the coffee shop's table that previously had Mina, Chaeyoung, Nayeon, and Jeongyeon. From when the last two girls left, the table has been awfully silent. Tzuyu has just been looking down, fiddling on a poor tissue napkin in her hands.

"So..." Sana clears her throat and finally decides to speak. Her coffee cup is now empty. She has just been watching the younger girl patiently all this time. "When are you going to start talking and tell me what the hell is going on?"

"You— You knew?"

"Ugh." Sana rolls her eyes. "Tzu, I may not be as smart as you but I'm not that dense or stupid. Unless this is some kind of weird prank or they really don't want to be with me... which I doubt, then why in the world would those four girls leave in such a haste with such lame excuses?"

Tzuyu glances at her. Then, look down again. "Umm... the truth is— I— I have to talk with you about something really, really important." She nervously looks around. "Umm... Earlier, we were actually... Umm... We were talking about—"

The vice president also looks around. It is already around five in the afternoon so the number of people in the shop is evidently increasing with individuals casually meeting up after classes and office work.

"Hey, Tzu."

"Y— yeah?"

Sana lets out a sigh. She has definitely noticed the younger cheer captain's odd behavior. "Do you want to talk somewhere else? Is the crowd here making you uncomfortable to freely talk about whatever you were about to say?"

Tzuyu softly nodded. "If— If that is okay with you."

The vice president gives her a genuine smile. "Where would you be more comfortable then?"

"Hmm..." The younger girl pauses a bit to think. "I— I would prefer somewhere more private. Anywhere would be fine. Just— just more private than this place."

"I see." Sana nods in acknowledgement. "Will the talk be long? Like... will it take hours to finish?"

"It..." Tzuyu flashed an awkward smile. "It actually depends on how you would react to it."

Sana playfully scoffed. "Hey, Chou Tzuyu! You're kind of making me really nervous right now! Do you know that?"

"Sorry." The younger girl pouted and mumbled. "I myself am really on the edge right now."

The vice president looked at her with concern and let out another deep sigh. "Do you have your car with you?"

Tzuyu slowly nods a couple of times.

"We can just talk there if you'd like. If we— or basing on what you've said... If I wanted to talk more after hearing what you're about to say..." Sana reaches to gently hold and squeeze the younger cheer captain's hand. "Then we can head somewhere else. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah." Tzuyu holds onto the other girl's hand tightly. "Let's do that."

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