10 : Denied Cub

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"Okay. Let's try again one last time!" Chaeyoung abruptly stops on her tracks. "Please say yes, Minari."

"Ugh." Mina also halts her legs and rolls her eyes. "You're really not giving up on this, are you?"

The soccer ace is now walking the council president back to the junior dormitories from the university cafeteria. The current time is around ten in the evening. They have been taking quite a leisure stroll on the jog track with the park lamps illuminating their path.

"Okay. Here's the question." Chaeyoung looks at Mina's eyes with a glint of hope. "Think about your answer carefully first, okay? Don't answer haphazardly. Here it is. Myoi Mina, will you—"


"Minariiii." The soccer ace promptly whines while the other girl simply chuckles at her.

"No, Chaeng. I already told you for the nth time tonight."

"Please?" Chaeyoung pouts.

"Nope. That childish pout won't work."

"Oh, come on! Sana won't be with you tonight!"

Mina shakes her head and starts walking again. "You know what? That's actually better. My chatty best friend won't bother me when I review for my long test tomorrow."

"I promise. I won't bother you even in the slightest while you study." The soccer ace paces with Mina's strides. She clasps both her hands in front of her as a sign of pleading. "Say yes, please? Surely, there's enough bed for the two of us."

The council president raises one of her eyebrows. "And when did it become necessary that when there's a free bed in our dorm room, someone should take it?"

"This is unfair!" Chaeyoung suddenly yells. "This is so unfair!"

"Huh?" Mina faintly chuckles, looking around if there are still students outside that could overhear them."What are you saying?"

"Why did Tzuyu and Sana get to spend a night together at the drop of a hat while I..." The soccer girl puts her hand on her chest dramatically. "The one and only Son Chaeyoung, is not allowed to do the same with her Minari?"

"When did I become your— Hey, one and only Son Chaeyoung!" The council president looks at her unamused. "Is your love life in some kind of competition with those two? Are we racing with the progress of those cheer captains?"

The soccer ace is now acting like a kid in tantrums. "Ugh. Minariiii."

"Sorry. Not this time, Chaeng." Mina states with finality. "We both have morning classes and I have exams to focus on tomorrow. So it's really a hard no."

"I really can't change that? Like, is that really final this time?"

Mina rolls her eyes while stifling her gummy smile. "Okay. What should I do to make you drop this request, huh? Tell me."

"Hmm... Let me think." Chaeyoung suddenly puts up a wide smirk. "How about... we have some breakfast together tomorrow?"

"That's it?"

"Yep. That's it."

"Okay." The council president nods a couple of times. "Breakfast tomorrow is totally fine with me. Plus, I don't think Sana would get back that early."


The two girls are now in front of the junior dorm building. The council president stopped to stand right in front of the entrance with Chaeyoung following her side.

Mina continued to elaborate on the recent topic. "I have my first class tomorrow at eight so can we meet at the cafeteria around—"

"No, no, no." Chaeyoung quickly waves both of her hands in dismissal. "Not at the cafeteria."

"Huh?" The council president scrunches her eyebrows at her in confusion.

"I'm bringing food over."

"Over..." Mina slightly tilts her head innocently. "Where?"

The soccer ace flashes a playful smile. "In your room."

"Hu— Huh? Wait. When you asked to have breakfast, I assumed—"

"Oops." The soccer ace puts her finger on Mina's lips, stopping the latter's further statement. "You already said yes to me. Our dignified council president won't turn back on her words now, will she?"

"Okay, okay." Mina instantly rolled her eyes. "We're having breakfast tomorrow at my room and you're bringing food over. Happy?"

Chaeyoung flashes an accomplished smile, fully displaying her dimple.

The two of them just smiled at each other for about a minute in silence. They are standing flat in front of the building like teenagers in a shy bliss after a late night date.

"Umm..." The council president starts after clearing her throat and averting her eyes from the smaller girl's gaze. "Should I go inside now?"

"I'll go with—"

Mina quickly squints at her. "Chaeng, I already told you—"

"Just up to your doorstep!"

Mina stared at her, looking unconvinced.

"Believe me. I won't push any further than that." Chaeyoung raises her right hand in a promise.

The council president then lets out a sigh of defeat. She started walking inside with the smaller girl cheerfully following her.

The soccer ace spoke again after a few seconds of treading towards the building stairs. "Jihyo mentioned that you met with her earlier?"

"Oh. You seem close." Mina glanced at her unamused. "I just met her hours ago and she has mentioned that already to you?"

Chaeyoung awkwardly smiles. "We... actually met earlier because of Nayeon. The bunny was hospitalized."

"WHY?" The council president abruptly stopped in the middle of the stairs. Her voice naturally raised with worry. "WHAT HAPPENED TO NAYEON?"

"Well, as much as I want to tell you the full story behind it... It is Nayeon's story to tell. What I could tell you the most is that... she and Jeongyeon have been having issues since Sunday. That is why the two of them have been out of school for the past few days."

"That makes sense." Mina started walking again. She follows up in a now calmer tone. "But, is Nayeon okay now?"

"Yep. And..." Chaeyoung flashes a faint smile. "Opposing what I just told you, it is actually bro who is taking care of that bunny at the hospital right now."

The council president nonchalantly replies, "I think that is just normal."


"Jeongyeon taking care of her girlfriend."

The soccer ace looks at her with a bit of amusement. "You think so?"

"Of course." Mina rolls her eyes. "Let's say for example, we got into an argument and the same thing happened to you with what happened to Nayeon. No matter how bad our argument is... I will still rush to the hospital and stay by your side."

"Really? You will do that?" Chaeyoung hooks her arm to Mina in a wide smile.

The council president smiles back at her. "Yeah. In a heartbeat." Then, she raises an eyebrow at her. "Why? Won't you do that for me?"

"I WILL!" The soccer ace quickly answers in defense. "I won't even let our argument last that long in the first place! I will relentlessly follow you everywhere and ask for your forgiveness."

They have now reached the front door of Mina and Sana's designated room.

"Okay, okay. This is really it for the night, Chae—"

Chaeyoung swiftly moves her arms to snake the council president's waist. "Minari."

"Hu—Hmm?" Mina faintly blushes in the sudden close contact. The soccer ace is staring straight into her eyes right now. "Wha— What is it?"

Chaeyoung then slowly moves closer to whisper into the council president's ear. "Can I sleep in your—"

"No, Chaeng."

Chaeyoung instantly started her tantrums again in the middle of the dorm hallways. Mina simply chuckled at her, obviously not budging on her decision.

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