17 : Skirmish

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"Oh!" Dahyun smiles at the sight of a certain cheer captain, sluggishly walking towards her in the hallway. She is currently on the second floor of the performing arts lecture building for her first class of the day. "You're back already? I thought you won't be here until our second class."

Sana rolls her eyes. "Hey! What do you think of me? An irresponsible student?"

"I prefer to not answer that." The council secretary chuckles at her in teasing. "Well, I just thought you would take Tzuyu as hostage a bit longer."

"Kim Dahyun!" The vice president playfully hits her friend's arm. "I don't want to fail in my subjects, you know. My goal is to graduate together with you."

Dahyun scoffs. "More like your goal is to be classmates with me in all your subjects so that you will always have someone to rely on for notes and lectures."

"That is something that I will never deny nor confirm." Sana giggles as she hooks her arm with the council secretary. "Did you have your breakfast already?"

"Of course. It's almost nine o'clock now. Why?"

"I'm starving."

Dahyun abruptly stopped on her tracks and squinted at the girl beside her. "What? Why? Haven't you eaten anything with Tzuyu earlier?"

"We..." Sana awkwardly laughs. "kind of overslept... So we didn't have a tad bit of time to get anything to eat for breakfast. We just scurried all over the place to get back to school as soon as we could."

The council secretary rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh. "Hey, Minatozaki Sana. You shouldn't let your stomach go empty like that early in the morning. As cliche as it sounds, you know that breakfast is always the most important meal of the day, right?"

The cheer captain simply flashes a guilty smile at her.

"Come with me." Dahyun gently pulls Sana with her downstairs. "Quickly."

"Wait, Dahyun. Where are we going?" The cheer captain wears a confused look, though not resisting to where her friend is dragging her. "Isn't our assigned room upstairs?"

"Just follow me and don't complain."

They tread all the way down to the first floor, traversed the busy hallways, then stepped out of the building. They walked a few meters, ending up in a nearby vending machine.

"What do you want?" Dahyun asks as soon as they stop right in front of the machine. "Tell me."


"I asked..." The council secretary gives her an unamused look. "What do you want to eat?"

Sana flashes a cheery smile. "Wow. You're treating me to some food?"

"More like I'm forcing you to have even some light breakfast." Dahyun glares at her. "You shouldn't be skipping your meals. You're already too skinny for that. Did you know that skipping breakfast could cause nausea? You could be unfocused the whole day. You should always prioritize your health."

"Aww, Dahyunie." Sana giggles and playfully pokes the council secretary's side. She then looks at her with an overly touched expression. "You always care way too much for me, huh?"

Dahyun simply continued in a mutter. "Tsk. I will give Chou Tzuyu some scolding next time I see her for not taking care of you properly. She should know her responsibilities well when she has the audacity to take you out overnight."

"Oh, come on. Don't this too much of a big deal—"

"Hey. Decide quickly!" Dahyun started yelling while glancing at her wrist watch. "Our first class is in ten minutes!"

"Okay, okay. Hmm..." Sana simply and promptly started scanning the snacks inside the vending machine. "How about this—"

When Sana was about to point out her choice of food, another student suddenly appeared and stepped in between the cheer captain and the vending machine. The new girl seemed to not care about the two council girls who were obviously trying to use the machine since the said student quickly inserted a bill and proceeded to tap the food of her choice.

"Hey!" The council secretary yells again, this time in pure annoyance. "We were here first!"

The girl surely wasn't bothered. She just loudly scoffed as she picked her snack she had just bought. Then, the said student faced the two council girls, revealing clearly her face to them. "And so? You girls are too slow. I actually have a class to catch, you know?"

"Well, well, well. Isn't it the infamous captain of our soccer team?" Dahyun rolled her eyes. "I'll tell you what, Hirai Momo... Us too! We have classes to catch!"

"Not that it matters now. I already got my snack. Bye, bye young lady." Momo flashes a smirk and consecutively turns her heel. She was about to step away when the council secretary commented loudly enough for her to hear.

"Tsk. Talk about being the epitome of rudeness."

The soccer captain abruptly stopped her legs, raised one of her eyebrows, then turned back to the girl who just spoke. "What did you just— Oh! Wait. I was thinking earlier that you two looked familiar. Aren't you the council girls under Myoi Mina?"

Sana decided to butt in the conversation upon hearing the council president's name. "Yes, we are. And what is it to you?"

"Hmm." Momo slowly draws a knowing smile to her face. She looks at the cheer captain meticulously from head to toe, then nods her head a couple of times while humming to herself. "I swear the cheer captain is always way better than any of her cheer girls."


Momo spoke again before Dahyun could complete her sudden burst of protest. "Anyway, perfect timing! Her best friend is here. Would you know if she already has a date this Friday?"

The cheer captain scoffs. She shortly laughs in an obviously mocking way. "Don't even think about it, Momo. Even if she doesn't have one, you don't stand a chance with—"

"Why?" The soccer captain cuts in. "Don't tell me she and that small girl are back at playing couples again?"

Dahyun this time quickly answers. "That's none of your business."

"Wow. Kim Dahyun." Momo squinted her eyes at her and sarcastically continued. "Talk about being the epitome of rudeness."


"Don't let her get on your nerves, Dahyun." Sana immediately holds the council secretary's arm. She softly tugs her back to the lecture building's entrance. "Let's just go back. I'm not that hungry anymore."

Dahyun then pursed her lips. After a few seconds, she let out a sigh and simply glared daggers at the soccer captain while Sana began to drag her back.

"Have a nice day, Kim Dahyun!" Momo yells while flashing another wide and mocking smile, all the while waving her hand to the retreating council girls.

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