63 : Again (2)

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"But I love you, Sana." Tzuyu quickly utters in a rather innocent tone. "It's not just like."

"Hu—" The older girl blinks her eyes rapidly and scrunches her eyebrow. "Wait, wait, wait— HUH?"

"I love you." Tzuyu almost mumbles, the shyness from how she casually said it earlier is now catching up to her. "Is— Is there something else that's higher than love that— that my inexperienced self doesn't know again?"

"Tzu—" Sana uses her free hand to cup one of Tzuyu's cheeks and looks directly into her eyes. "Hey, Chou Tzuyu."


"Say it again."

The younger answers while one of her cheeks is being squished by the older girl's palm. "What—"

Sana stares deeply into Tzuyu's eyes. "What did you say you feel about me again?"

"I— I said I love you."

The two of them stayed quiet and simply stared at each other's eyes in silence after that. Nothing else was heard in the room but the faint ticking of the room's wall clock and the occasional footsteps outside of rushing students from the busy dorm hallways.

"Sana, please say some—"

And then Sana swiftly pulls Tzuyu to kiss her on the lips.

However, unlike last time when they were supposed to watch a movie in the condominium unit that the Chous own, the older girl seems to not have much patience today. Despite the fact that Sana knows full well that this is still the same innocent girl whose first kiss she had stolen weeks ago, she was leading the kiss fast. At least, so much faster than the pace that Tzuyu could last and keep up.

It was like Sana's lips started to move right off the bat at the fastest pace where the two of them left last time. Her kiss was full of pure desire and passion with the built intensity that is no doubt has been directed to Tzuyu for who knows how long now.

Sana slowly moved to hover half of her upper body on top of Tzuyu, all the while not breaking their physical contact and continuing to kiss her aggressively. She uses both of her arms to support her weight and not squish Tzuyu underneath her.

On the other hand, Tzuyu is doing her best to keep up with Sana's lips. As soon as the older girl is right above her, she quickly moves both her arms to cling onto Sana's nape. Although it was just there for a couple of seconds because her hands soon started to wander, getting lost on the other girl's hair and back in instinct.

But of course, as expected, it only took just another couple of minutes and Tzuyu already had the need to stop, panting heavily and unable to keep up. "Sa— Sana—"

"Again, baby." Sana looks into the younger girl's eyes and speaks in a voice that is laced with a combination of pleading and authority. "Tell me again how you feel."

"I love you—"

And Sana placed a quick peck on Tzuyu's lips. This time, she didn't lean back. She continued to speak while her lips were almost just a hair apart from Tzuyu. "Again."

Tzuyu, who is now as red as she can be and was unconsciously gripping the back of Sana's clothing, stays silent for a second to compose herself.

"Minatozaki Sana..." Shortly after, the younger girl utters with more conviction. She simply obeys the older cheer captain, getting lost in Sana's eyes which she feels are now piercing through her soul. "I love you."

"Oh, Chou Tzuyu." Sana whispers as she leaned in again. This time it wasn't Tzuyu's lips she was aiming for. And this time it seemed like she wasn't planning on stopping.

Sana began planting soft, momentary kisses on the younger girl's jaw. She peppered Tzuyu's face with her lips until she finally reached the base of one of Tzuyu's ears. She closes in to whisper right onto it. "Keep going, baby. Say it to me over and over."

Tzuyu, who wasn't doing anything but receiving the older girl's touch for a while now, answers oddly in almost a breathless voice. "I love you."

And Sana's kisses start going downwards.

"I love you, Sana."

One more kiss to the upper neck.

"I love you."

And another kiss to the middle part of Tzuyu's neck.

"I love you so much."

And Sana places a kiss on Tzuyu's lower neck. She then breathes right onto the younger girl's collar bone. "Last one. One last time for now, please."

"Sana, I love— Mmmm..."

And Sana made sure that her last kiss would leave a visible mark on Tzuyu as the latter made an audible sound of pleasure, burying her nails a little onto Sana's back in the process.

Then, the vice president hesitatingly leans back, heaves in a really deep breath, and slowly moves to sit up on the bed.


"I can't."

"Huh?" Tzuyu immediately scrunches her eyebrows. "What do you—"

"I'm definitely turned on more than a hundred percent right now, Tzuyu. I—" Sana pauses and closes her eyes, heaving in another very deep breath. After opening her eyes, she answers without looking at the other girl. "I need to stop right now before I start undressing you."

"Wha—" And Tzuyu certainly can't be any redder than a fresh ripe tomato right now. "What— what— what are you—"

"Sorry." The older girl glances at her. "Please wear a turtleneck or some kind of scarf at your school tomorrow."

"Huh?" Tzuyu tilts her head on the pillow is still lying on.

"You'll—" Sana shifts on the bed to face the other girl's direction. "Just call me tomorrow when you see it. I'm sure the last one will leave a mark. Sorry, I can't help it. I kissed it a bit harder and made it so that it will leave a mark."

The younger girl slowly reaches to touch the part of her lower neck that Sana was talking about. She absolutely has no idea what the other girl is pertaining to.

"But..." Sana faintly smiled and pulled Tzuyu up to also sit on the bed with her. She then gazes deeply into her eyes. "I want you to know that I love you too. I love you so much, Chou Tzuyu. With all my heart. You're everything someone could ever want for and I'm so happy to know that you also feel the same way about me. I don't know what better words to put it but I— I just love you so much, Chou Tzuyu."

Tzuyu looks down, not knowing what else to say as she smiles to herself shyly like a teenage girl who just fell in love all over again. She just glues her eyes down to the sheets with her dimples are in full display and her cheeks are in absolute red flush.

Sana just watched her in silence with a wide smile for a moment. She tried her best to stay quiet to savor the moment until she couldn't take the adorable scene in front of her anymore. "UGH. Tzuuuu. Please, stop that. I know you're not doing much right now but believe me, you're making me want you harder and harder every second!"

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