37 : Drunk Peach

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"MINA!" Momo calls out, making her way from the dance floor.

The council president, along with the drunk hamster she is dragging with her, were about to exit the party's place when the soccer captain spotted her from afar.

Mina instantly rolls her eyes while watching Momo walk to them. Before the soccer captain was within earshot, she utters unamused. "And here I thought I would just have to deal with one drunk tonight."

"Hey." Momo finally reached the council president's side.

"Hi." The council president flashes an obviously fake smile. "This is a cool kids party. Of course, the soccer captain would be here."

"HEY!" Sana suddenly yells in an already angry tone. She was about to walk towards the soccer captain but Mina quickly held her arm.


"But, Mina! She—"

"Minatozaki Sana!"

"Minaaaaa." The cheer captain started stomping on the floor like a child in tantrums. "You know that I don't like it when she talks to you!"

Momo starts to laugh mockingly. "Wow. An alcoholic weakling here is whining."

Mina promptly glares at the soccer captain. "If you don't have anything important to say, my best friend and I are leaving now." She pulled her best friend's arm she was holding and was about to walk away when Momo talked again.

"Mina, wait! This— this is something important."

"Tsk." The council president dramatically rolls her eyes as she halts her legs and lazily faces the soccer captain again. She lets out a deep sigh, looking really impatient. "Then, tell me. Now. While I can control this drunk hamster beside me."

"Can't we talk somewhere else? Just—" The soccer captain glances at Sana. "Just the two of us."

"NO WAY!" Sana quickly butts in to answer. "I won't let you talk to my sweet Mina in private!"

Mina worryingly glances at the protesting girl beside her and turns again to Momo. "Whatever you have to say, please say it now. I can't be somewhere else with you. First, as you can see, my hands are kind of full at the moment with my best friend like this. And second, I don't want Chaeng to hear about this tomorrow and be anxious and get wrong ideas."

"Chaeyoung? Really now, Mina?" The soccer captain scoffs. "Students are talking about how you rejected her publicly last time. You know, with her lame banner and all. Why are you with her again? Do you pity her that much?"

The council president bit her lip and remained silent for a moment.

Sana suddenly looked concerned at her best friend. She felt that Mina's grip on her arm was obviously getting tighter and tighter.

Momo continued to speak. "Mina, you don't have to do this for her. If you already decided that Son Cheyoung is a loser, then give me a chance. I guarantee you that I can do better."

Mina closed her eyes and heaved in a deep breath. The moment she opened her eyes again, she looked directly into the cheer captain's eyes with seriousness. "Sana."


"Do you see that exit?" The council president glances at the building's glass door, not too far from their current location.

Sana simply nods.

"Go first. I'll meet you there."

The cheer captain quickly objects. "BUT MINA—"

"Fifteen minutes." Mina looks at her with a reassuring smile. "Just give me fifteen minutes alone with the soccer team's captain. I promise I'll meet you there, okay?"

"No! I don't want to! I will stay here by your—"

"Can you trust me on this one, Sana?" The council president reaches out to gently squeeze the other girl's hand. "I'll meet you outside in fifteen minutes, okay? I promise I won't go anywhere else with her and I will finish this as quickly as possible."

Sana hesitatingly and slowly nods. She then intensely glares one last time at Momo before finally starting to walk towards the exit that the council president told her.

As soon as the cheer captain left, Mina flashed another fake smile at Momo. "So, where were we at again?"

"As I was saying, Min—"

And Mina suddenly slapped the soccer captain's cheek.

Loud gasps were heard all over the place as students were silently observing the two personalities of their school make a commotion.

The council president sarcastically speaks while slowly nodding her head. "AHH. Now, I remembered where we were. I wanted to do that earlier but I don't want my drunk best friend to freak out when she sees me do it."

Momo scoffs as she touches her cheek where Mina's hand hit. She glares at Mina who is also looking back at her with equal emotions.

"Hirai Momo. I understand that you lose your morals when you've taken some alcohol into your system. I let it pass when you once disrespected me while you're intoxicated..." Mina trails in a threatening tone. "But, I will never tolerate it when it is about the people who are close to me, especially the one who I care for the most."

Momo walks closely and looks straight into the council president's eyes with anger.

The council president continues to speak in a mutter. "I'm warning you, Momo. Never speak about Son Chaeyoung like that ever again or it is me who will make you pay. Now, if you really have anything important to tell me, look for me when you're sober enough to be in your right mind."


"OH. And by the way..." Mina pauses to look at her from head to toe. "With how you're acting right now? You're not even half of the person my baby cub is."

Momo looks to the ceiling, balls her fist. "That's it! You really did it this time!"

The soccer captain raises her arm to hit the girl in front of her.

But, before Momo's hand was able to strike Mina, another hand firmly held on to the soccer captain's arm, followed by a manly voice.

"I didn't stop her from hitting you 'cause it was kind of fun to watch and you absolutely deserve it." Bambam comments in a smirk, looking directly at the soccer captain who is currently giving him a death stare. "But it's a different story when you try to hit our respected council president back. Everyone saw how you started all of this and agitated her."

Momo roughly shrugs the theater director's arm that is holding her.

Bambam continues in a mocking chuckle. "Oh, and don't even try contesting that you can report her for violence... because this is an unauthorized party and you're absolutely drunk."

He then turns to Mina. "You can go to your friend now, Mina. I believe Dahyun has caught up to her. I'll take it from here. This is absolutely just a waste of your time."

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