71 : Boundaries (2)

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The soccer ace looks into Mina's eyes with hope and worry. "Please tell me your apology right now doesn't have anything to do with putting my trust in danger."


"Minari, I swear—"

"Trust me, Chaeng." The council president softly smiles at her. "The apology was just because I made you anxious about something that you shouldn't have been if I just communicated myself properly. That's on me which is why I am sorry about it. But, that is all. There is nothing else for you to overthink about."

"Okay." The soccer ace is wearing an unreadable expression right now. "I see. I trust you on that then."

Mina stares at her for a moment with heightened concern. "Chaeng..."


"Tell me, honestly. Do you want me to avoid him? Just tell me and I will." Mina looks at the smaller girl with a hint of uneasiness. "I don't know why but I feel like there is something more as to why you are acting like this towards him. It's like you shift into someone else. Your mood, your temper... I don't know but it's like— it's like there is something about him that triggers you."

"We— Minari." Chaeyoung exhales in exasperation. "We already talked about this yesterday. Why are you bringing this up again?"

"I know. I know that, but—" Mina shakes her head a bit in visible irritation. "But, look at how you acted today. Doesn't that speak for something? Look at how we are having this conversation again. For the second time around. Just after we talked last night."


"The last thing I want to happen is for this somewhat kind of issue to just go and repeat itself over and over again until we would both be exhausted of ourselves and can't take it anymore. So please, Chaeng. Please, please, please tell me what you want me to do."

Chaeyoung gazes far away into the school's horizon to pause for a moment of contemplation with her next words. Then, she lets out another deep breath. "Minari... I hope that this will not affect how you see me. I don't want you to think that I am an overprotective person who imposes unnecessary things or rules or wants. I don't want you to feel suffocated by me. I would never want you to feel that when you're with me."

Mina faintly smiles at her. "I promise to tell you when I'm not comfortable with the things you would want me to do. I already told you that I don't want to unconsciously hurt you, right? So please tell me what you want to happen and I will do my best to abide by those things."

"I... Minari, I—" Chaeyoung hesitates for a second before continuing to speak. "I want you to always give me the details of where you are going the moment you step out of your dorm room. And I— With that guy... I have a request. I want you to call me right away to your side the moment he appears in front of you out of nowhere and it is just the two of you."

"If I ask you if there is a particular reason why you're acting like this specifically only to him... will you be able to give me something?"

"I don't want him to be alone with you. I know this is a bit too much to ask but I don't trust him, Minari. I just want to make sure you're always safe. That's all."

"I see..."

"You— you're okay with that?"

"Yeah." Mina nods slowly a couple of times. "I'm okay with that."

"Does— doesn't I—" Chaeyoung carefully asks. "Doesn't that request sound immature for a relationship like ours? I was worried that you'd think it was unreasonable."

Mina slowly moves one of her arms to gently caress Chaeyoung's cheek. "If that is what would give you peace of mind... then, I'll do it. I'll do it for you. Plus, I don't see anything wrong with what you're asking from me. They are not too much at all. Those are just simple things that I certainly could do effortlessly."

"Thank you, Minari." The soccer ace gently reaches Mina's hand that is on her cheek. She closes her eyes and repeats her words in almost a whisper. "Thank you."

"Umm... Are we... Are we good now?"

"Yeah." Chaeyoung quickly answers. She opened her eyes and put both her hands to her side. "I— I think we are. For now."


"Sorry, sorry. It's just— Sorry. I didn't mean to sound like—" The soccer ace purses her lips and flashes what seemed like a forced smile. "We're good now, Minari. And I— I hope that we will never ever have this misunderstanding about him or even would have the need to talk about this again. Like ever again."

"I will do my best, okay? Let's work out whatever this is."

"Yeah. Let's do that." Chaeyoung looks down and fiddles with her fingers. "I... I really don't want to lose you."

"Hey." Mina reaches to hold both of the smaller girl's busy hands. "You won't, Son Chaeyoung. You will never lose me. I promise. I mean it."

The soccer ace softly nods. She glances at the ground, then back to the girl in front of her. "So... will you be giving me that explanation? You know, about the apology where you said earlier that you owe me an explanation."

"Hmm... We're still on this Sunday, right?"

"Of course!" Chaeyoung quickly answers. "You already agreed to it!"

"Then, I'll tell you on that day."

"Huh? Why does it have to be on that day?" The soccer girl suddenly starts whining. "Please don't make me think about it all night nervously!"

Mina chuckles. "Hey. There's nothing to worry about!"

"But, still!"

"Why?" The council president squints at her. "Would you tell me right now who it is that you told me was special to you... and you wanted me to meet?"

Chaeyoung pouts. "Noooo. That will spoil everything!"

"See?" Mina flashes a proud smirk. "Then, it's fair that we both reveal them on Sunday. Equal exchange as they say."

The smaller girl continued on her tantrums like a kid. "You know that it's different!"

Mina just chuckles at her, finding the scene rather adorable. "No, it's not."

"Minariiii." Chaeyoung clings her arm to Mina. "Trust me. Mine is absolutely nothing to worry about!"

"Then, you also have to trust me..." The council president carefully removes the soccer player's arm on her. "That what I have to tell you is also nothing to worry about."

"Ugh." Chaeyoung rolls her eyes and clings again to Mina's arm. "Please tell me noooow."

"No, Son Chaeyoung." Mina plainly answers like she is talking to her own kid. "That is not going to work. A no means a no, Chaeng."

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