30 : Ripple

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"Hello, baby bunny." Jeongyeon greets while sitting on the chair right beside her room's bed. She has now changed into a hoodie and shorts.

"What time is it?" Nayeon, still looking dazed from sleep, sluggishly sits up from the bed.

The duvet that was previously covering the soccer manager's whole body falls from her chest to her waist, revealing a shirt that is different from what she was wearing earlier when they arrived back at the house from the coffee shop where they met with Chaeyoung and the others.

"It is now around nine, I guess? You slept really well this time."

The soccer manager simply smiles while rubbing her eyes. "How long have you been up? You should've woken me."

"It's okay. It wasn't that long when I got up. Plus, I believe you need to rest after—"

Three loud knocks were heard to the room, quickly followed by the abrupt opening of the door.

Jeongyeon suddenly stands up from her seat. "Hey, Unnie! You should wait for me to respond first before you enter my room!"

"Oh, come on. I just wanted to check if you and Nayeon are— HEY." The girl flatly standing on the room's door frame slowly widens her eyes while speedily glancing all over the place. "YOO JEONGYEON!"

"Wait! Unnie! This is why you should knock first! It's not— It's not what you think!"

The older sister quickly strides towards the council treasurer and starts hitting her all over her body. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR SWEET NAYEON? YOU—"

"UNNIE! WAIT!" Jeongyeon tries to shield herself from the hits using her arms. "What are you— Hey— Could you please—"

"Don't play dumb with me! There are clothes scattered on the floor that I'm a hundred percent sure belong to Nayeon and she is now wearing an oversized shirt that I'm a hundred percent sure belongs to you!"

"Unnie. Please, calm yourself first!"

The older sister stops her movements and loudly gasps. "Is she even wearing anything underneath?"

"Ugh!" Jeongyeon dramatically massages her temples and whines. "Unnie... you're making everything so embarrassing right now."

Nayeon faintly chuckles. "Unnie, it's alright. This is not our first time making love to—"

"HEY, Im Nayeon!" The council treasurer points a finger to her girlfriend. "Why are you so casual in telling her something like that?"

"Why?" Nayeon nonchalantly answers. "Unnie's family. It shouldn't matter if she knew what was going on. Plus, she already caught us red handed."

"But, still—"

The soccer manager fakes a gasp. "Why, babe? Are you not planning on telling your family in case you got me pregnant?"

"You know that's not— UGH." The council treasurer rolls her eyes and facepalms herself. "This is pointless. My bunny's back to her old, frisky self again."

Jeongyeon's older sister who was silently watching them in a knowing smile, finally bursts into chuckles. "So you two are finally okay again?"

The two other girls simply glances at each other and nods in agreement.

"I'm happy for you two. Then, I'm taking my leave. If ever you'd be needing me, I'd just be in my room." The older girl then walks out of the door.

Jeongyeon starts as soon as her sister is out of sight. "Babe."


The council treasurer asks in a worried tone. "How are you feeling?"

Nayeon smiles. "I'm good, babe."

"You sure?" The council treasurer gives her a concerned look and quickly moves to join her girlfriend on her bed. "Tell me if I need to get you some medicine or anything else, okay?"

"I will, babe. I'll tell you if I'd feel sore anywhere."

"Babe." Jeongyeon calls out again.

"Hmm? What is it this time?"

"You... booked the hotel and all for our supposed trip this weekend." The council treasurer carefully asked. "Ri— right?"

Nayeon slowly nods. "I did it the last time we were at the mansion. Why?"

"Umm... Can we..." Jeongyeon moves her hand to snake on her girlfriend's wait. "cancel it?"

"Huh? Why?" The soccer manager's voice quickly shifts into something with anxiousness. "What's the matter? Aren't we okay now? Why do we need to cancel it?"

"Hey." Jeongyeon cups her girlfriend's cheeks and looks into her eyes. "There's nothing wrong with us. It's just— on that day when we planned our trip... that day didn't end well. I just don't feel like going on a trip that we planned right after we had an unpleasant misunderstanding. I—"

Nayeon quickly leaned forward to steal a peck from the council treasurer's lips. "I got it, baby. You don't have to explain further. I will cancel everything."

They simply smiled at each other for a moment.

Then, the soccer manager's phone suddenly rings. She quickly picks it up, checking the caller ID and answering it. "Hello, Tzuyu?"

Jeongyeon perked up and swiftly moved to put her ear on the other side of the soccer manager's phone, trying her best to overhear the conversation.

"U— Unnie."

"Yes, Tzu?" Nayeon nonchalantly replies. "Are you and Sana done talking now?"

"Yes." The cheer captain's voice sounds so lifeless from the other line. "We didn't talk that long because— because she walked out on me."

"HUH?" The two girls at the bed reacted in unison.

"Is that Jeongyeon Unnie?"

"Ye— yeah. I went back with her to their house."

"Hey, Tzuyu." Jeongyeon butts in. "What happened? I know it obviously and unfortunately did not go well... but, why did she walk out on you? I know Sana's one unpredictable girl but I'm sure she's still one of the most understanding people when it comes to you."

"Umm... the— the truth is... I also don't know?"

"Huh?" The council treasurer pursues. "What do you mean you don't know?"

Nayeon also adds in. "Did she get mad? Like she got furious or something? Did she get annoyed?"

"No. It— it's not like that. Honestly, I think it could've been better if she acted like that." Tzuyu's loud sighing is heard over the other line. "Because what she did was— she— she was actually calm all the time. Which was way more nerve wracking for me."

The older Chou asks again. "Then, why didn't you go after her? You should've called out and held onto her."

"I can't. Sana— she..."

Jeongyeon and Nayeon gave confused looks at each other. They waited for Tzuyu to finish her statement.

"She told me to rethink all the things I've told her and only come back to her once I have something better to say."

The council treasurer raises one of her eyebrows. "Which means...?"

Tzuyu is heard again letting out a deep sigh. She answers in a tone laced with anxiousness and slight annoyance. "I absolutely have no idea."

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