19 : The Bunny Effect

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Three soft knocks were heard in Jeongyeon's room. She has indeed left the room open for the other girl to enter.

The council treasurer just glanced at her for a second, then continued scrolling on her phone while lying flat on her back on her bed.

Nayeon heaves in a deep breath before slowly stepping inside. She closes the door behind her and treads to walk just right by the bedside. "Umm... Jeongyeon, I— I just went here to give you—" She then rummages her bag again and pulls out once again the white small box she tried to hand out earlier. "You— You know, it's the exact day of our anniversary today so I— I just dropped by to give you thi— this."

Jeongyeon looks at the frail looking girl who is shakily holding out the small box in front of her. She lets out a sigh and stands up from the bed. "I'm going to take a shower."

"I— Please, take this. I— I can go home after giving—"

"Wait for me there." The council treasurer turns to the soccer manager. "I won't take too long." She then walks straight to the bathroom.

After about ten minutes, Jeongyeon walks out from the shower. A faint smile is drawn to her face as she sees a girl now sleeping on her bed soundly. "You're also not getting enough sleep, are you?"

The council treasurer carefully walks to her bed and lies down. She just silently watches the girl beside her with longing in her eyes.

After about two hours of Nayeon deeply sleeping on Jeongyeon's bed, she finally shifts on the sheets and slowly flutters her eyes. When she started to look around, her eyes quickly widened after meeting a pair of orbs that she had been missing all this time. "I'm— I'm sorry! I— I feel asleep and—"

The soccer manager was about to get up from the bed but was halted midway when a familiar arm softly wrapped around her waist.

"Je— Jeong..." Nayeon looks at the girl beside her in bewilderment.

"It's fine. By the way you looked earlier, I knew you would easily fall asleep." Jeongyeon moves to sit on the bed. "I'll get up now. You can lie down more to get additional rest."

"You— Your bed smells like you. I can't help but be comfortable when I tried lying down while you were in the shower."

Jeongyeon simply nods and turns to put her feet down on the room's floor, turning her back to the soccer manager.

Then, after about a minute of silence, Nayeon suddenly breaks down and audibly cries. "I'm so— very sorry for— for everything. Please— Please, forgive me. It hurts so much when we're like this."

The council treasurer simply looks down to the floor, her arms are flat to her side.

"I just wanted to hand you the gift I prepared for our seventh anniversary. It— It's fine if you want me out after that. I— I just—" Nayeon started to sob irrepressibly. "I'm so sorry, Jeong. Believe me. I— I was really planning on telling you everything. I really didn't want to lie to you. It's just— I didn't had a choice at first and— and then— and then things started to get out of control and— and—"

"No matter what you say right now... You still lied right to my face."

"I'm— I'm really sorry— Please—"

"Im Nayeon, do you realize how hurt I am right now?"

"P— Please— Jeong, I—" Nayeon's voice cracks in the attempt to ask. "You— you're not breaking up with me, are you?"

Jeongyeon scrunched her eyebrows. Tears are now also falling from her eyes. She bits her lip to try and control her emotions.

The soccer manager snuggles her head to the crook of her girlfriend's neck and embraces her from the back. "Please say no, Jeong. Please tell me you're not breaking up with me."

The council treasurer looks to the room's ceiling and heaves in a deep breath. "Do you still love me?"

"Of course!" Nayeon quickly answers. "I love you with all my heart!"

"O— Only me?"

"Yes! Only you! I never loved someone else other than you!"

Jeongyeon's grip on the bed's sheet tightens. "Were you being honest when you said that nothing happened between you and Chaeyoung?"

"I was! I would never cheat on you! Why in the world would I do that? You're the best girlfriend in the whole wide world. I would never want anyone else other than you. Babe— I— I mean, Jeong—"

"When are you going to stop trying and avoid calling me by our endearment term, huh?"

Nayeon tried her best to compose herself when she heard an annoyed tone from her girlfriend. "Bu— But, I thought you would be mad when—"

"Im Nayeon." Jeongyeon shifts on the bed to face the crying mess of a girl in her bed.

"Y— Yes?"

"Who told you that you can skip your meals?"

"Huh? Umm—"

"Who told you that you can lose sleep?"

Nayeon starts to sob again, but this time like a kid being scolded. "B— But—"

"Ugh!" Jeongyeon lets out a sigh and roughly ruffles her hair in dismay. "This is so unfair!"

"What do you mean?"

"I should be the one who looks so brokenhearted here. I should be the one in a worse condition because I'm the one who should've been hurt!" The council treasurer pauses and squints at her annoyingly. "Why do you look so pitiful like your girlfriend pathetically fooled you and cheated on you and just loved you for your money?"

"But I can't help it! I feel like dying when I think about you breaking up with me!"

Jeongyeon quickly glares at the girl in front of her. Nayeon simply looked back with guilt in her face.

After about a minute of staring at each other, Jeongyeon rolls her eyes and lets out a huge sigh of defeat. She stares at her girlfriend without amusement.

"Wha— What is it, Jeongyeon?"

"Stop calling me by my actual name, or else—"

"Babe!" Nayeon quickly yells to cut in. "Wha— What is it, babe?"

Jeongyeon stayed silent and continued to blankly stare at her.

"Baby? Umm... Jeongyeonie?" The soccer manager pouts this time and softly tugs the bottom hem of her girlfriend's shirt. She softly mumbled like talking to a baby. "What is it, my Jeongyeonie?"

"Ho— How could you—" The council treasurer swiftly moves on the bed and turns her back again at her girlfriend. She closes her eyes and reaches out to her chest.

Then, Nayeon's lips slowly curved into a smile, realizing what is happening. She gets up from the bed and treads to stand right front of her girlfriend. She pouts once again and adorably wiggles her body like a kid who is asking for some candy. "Jeongyeoniiiieee."

Jeongyeon, who has her eyes glued to the floor all this time, heaves in a deep breath before looking up. She stares at the soccer manager like all her energy has been suddenly drained. "What is it now?"

The soccer manager flashes a smile and takes a step to engulf the council treasurer in her arms. She softly kisses her temple. Her voice shifts into something sincere. "Is my honey baby sweetie Jeongyeonie ready to listen to me now?"

Jeongyeon gulps and slowly moves her hand to reciprocate the embrace she is receiving. "I hate you."

Nayeon automatically flashes her bunny smile. "I know, babe. I love you too and I miss you too."

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