52 : Busy

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"Hey, hey, hey. Earth to Mina." Sana snaps her fingers up in the air multiple times while slouching on their dorm couch. "Helllooo. Is my best friend there?"

"Ahh. Sorry." The council president blinks a couple of times, getting out of her momentarily daze. "What were you saying?"

The cheer captain dramatically rolls her eyes. "Ugh. You're seriously out of it for a while now. What the hell has been going on inside your head, huh?"

Mina mumbles to herself. "I'm thinking what would've happened in the coffee shop if I told Chaeyoung one more—"

"Huh?" Sana scrunches her eyebrows. "What in the world are you talking about, Myoi Mina? What is wrong with you?"

"AH— No— Nothing." The council president shakes her head furiously. "Sorry. Again, what were you saying?"

It is already the early evening of Wednesday, last week of February. The best friends are now back in their designated dorm room. Sana is on their couch, mindlessly browsing on social media with her mobile phone while Mina is sitting on their study table with a laptop opened in front of her.

"As I was saying— UGH!" The cheer captain glares at her roommate. "Never mind!"

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm sorry, okay?" The council president softly chuckles. "I promise to pay more attention now. Sorry, please tell me what you were about to say."

"As I was saying..." Sana pauses to check if her best friend is really attentive to her this time.

"What?" Mina chuckles again. "Believe me. I'm all ears now."

The cheer captain scoffs and finally continues. "I'm planning to represent the council at the upcoming camp. I'd take the slot for the vice president of the student council. Of course, that also means I owe you the name of a cheer girl from my squad who would represent the slot for the cheer team."

"I see." The council president nods. "Care to explain how you arrived at that decision?"

"I just want to save Dahyun and Jeongyeon from the possibility of the two of them slitting each other's throats so that one of them could take that lone, remaining spot for the camp."

"Ahh. Good point." Mina promptly laughs. "That makes sense. Although... you should be the one to tell them that." She squints at her. "There's no way I'm going to be the bearer of bad news, killing the last ounce of hope left in the burning passion of those two to join the event."

"Alright, alright." Sana rolled her eyes, obviously not excited about her new task. "I'll just tell them within this week when we're all gathered in the office."

Mina then simply nodded to her in acknowledgement.

The room went silent for a moment with both the girls continuing whatever they were keeping themselves respectively busy.

"Sana. I—" The council president calls out. "Can I ask you a favor?"

"Hmm?" Sana nonchalantly hums while continuing to tap on her phone, not even paying a glance to her. "What is it?"

"I need you to pick up some receipts and documents from Tzuyu's school tomorrow."

"Huh?" The cheer captain scrunches her eyebrows. She abruptly looks to her roommate's direction. "What— How— What documents? Moreover, Tzuyu's school? Some other school?"

"Yeah." Mina flashes an apologetic smile. "Their council president and I already agreed that I will be picking it up tomorrow. Plus, I also have to process the documents in it as soon as possible so I really have to get it."

"Don't— don't get me wrong, Myoi Mina. You know that I would always love to help you in your tasks and free you up from all the council work you're taking but—" Sana raises an eyebrow to her. "But this has nothing to do with Tzuyu, does it?"

"No, no, no." Mina quickly waves her hand in denial. "The agreement really was just between me and Park Jihyo, their council president. And I never talked with Tzuyu ever since that day at the coffee shop."



"Then..." Sana still wears an unconvinced look. "Why are you passing me this task?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm your best friend, Myoi Mina. I know that you never cancel last minute with your prior agreed meetings unless there is something really important that you suddenly have to attend to." The cheer captain explains. "Not doing a task you have committed yourself to do is definitely not you."

"I know, right? I wonder." Mina chuckles awkwardly. She slowly goes back to her laptop and stays quiet, not giving her roommate a proper response.

Sana lets out a sigh. She goes back to swiping on her mobile phone, glancing at the other girl in the room from time to time.

After just about another minute, the cheer captain lets out another but a deeper sigh. She puts her phone down and calls out with a determined voice. "Mina."

"Hmm?" The council president innocently replies.

"Please tell me you don't have a secret lover."

"Hu— HUH?"

Sana stayed silent, giving her roommate a criticizing look with one of her eyebrows arched.

Mina annoyingly stares back at her oddly serious looking best friend. "What the hell are you talking about, Minatozaki?"

"So you don't have one?"

"Why would I?" The council president's voice started to rise in defense. "I love Chaeyoung so much! She's the only one I need and I would never plan on looking for another—"

"Stoooppp. Stop, stop, stop." Sana flails her arms all over, cutting her in. "Oh, my gosh. Save it. I don't want to hear the awful cheesy rest of it."

Mina rolls her eyes and faintly chuckles. "Then, why did you ask? Where did that question even come from by the way?"

The cheer captain also rolls her eyes. She looks at her unamused. "You've been making weird calls lately where you always step out of the room to take."

"Those are—"

"And where were you last Sunday?" Sana raises an eyebrow as she slowly speaks. "Chaeyoung told us that she didn't know where you had gone or who you met with."

"I was—"

The vice president points a finger to her. "Don't even try lying to me, Myoi Mina."

Mina pauses to heave in a deep breath. "It's a legal matter. I had to meet with a lawyer."

"Oh my— Is it something related to your family?" Sana suddenly wears a worried look. "Is there something going on at your home? Is this some kind of emergency?"

"No, no, no." The council president waves her hand in dismissal. "It's not something like that. It's— It's just hard to explain for now. I signed confidentiality papers. As I've said..." She gives her best friend an apologetic look. "It's a legal matter."

"Should I give you a hug?" The cheer captain raises both her arms in the air towards her best friend's direction, stifling a smile. "Hmm?"

"No need." Mina flashes a gummy smile. "Don't worry too much. The matter is not something so serious and dramatic that it needs a friendship hug. Well, at least that's what I could infer with all the information I have as of the moment."

"Okay, okay." Sana puts her arms down. Then, she looks to her with pure sincerity, knowing well when her roommate is telling the truth. "Just promise to speak with me if you need anything from me, okay? You fully know that I'm always here for you."

"I know. I promise I will." The council president flashes a smile. "Thank you, Sana."

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