Training Session - Erling Haaland

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Requested by @jackharlowsbluetux

A/N: I don't have any fanfiction of Erling Haaland yet and I haven't read any fanfiction of him so far. Mostly because I read and write about Mason and Phil all the time. This was a request and I didn't want to turn someone down. I'll give this my best but I don't know if you'll like it. That's why I might have to ask for your opinion at the end, but for now, enjoy the fic. 


In this scenario, girls play together with boys; there are no different teams for men and women. 

I make my way to the training ground for the first time. I signed for Manchester City last week and I have no idea how it is like here. The weather has a huge impact on my health which is why I took a few days off to adjust waking up to a cloudy sky, most of the times gloomy. Today, the sun is out. I don't know how often people get to bathe in natural light so far, but I have learnt to enjoy the minutes I can get of it. And surely today, I can get at least get around an hour of it in training. 

I walk along the alley to the training ground. The first person I see is Erling. The main reason being his height. Or maybe I purposely made myself believe that I wanted to see him first. I see Kevin and Phil arriving after me. I wait for them because it's intimidating to go there alone. Keira and many of the girls are already there warming up with some of the boys. But most of them haven't arrived yet. 

Kevin greets me with an enthusiastic good morning. Phil hugs me good morning instead and asked, "How's your time here going?"

I shrug and smile. "Great. Still getting used to the weather though" Kevin enters the training ground, leaving us to have a small chat. Erling makes his way to us on our left. Phil moves to my right. I didn't overthink why he did that because when realisation hits me, Erling is already on my left. "Hey Y/N. Having a good time?", he says walking back to where he came from, this time Phil and I are along. I give him the same answer as I gave Phil earlier and we continue basic talking about the team and Manchester. 

I had a crush on Erling. No one in the squad knew except Jack. We are both from Birmingham and I knew him since we were younger so I could trust him with the secret. Jack arrives with Bernardo to his side. They are both talking until Jack's eyes meets mine and he gives me a smirk because he knows I am talking to Erling. He gives me a thumbs up and resumes his conversation with Bernardo. Pep will not be here today since it is a light training session with a routine to follow, but I don't know if he'll be here to check if everything is okay before the session ends. 

"I know about it", Erling says out of the blue while we were warming up.

"About what?"

"That you like me",  he says like it's something casual. I feel my cheeks becoming redder every second. I try to avoid looking at him in the eye because I would probably freak out if he saw me blushing hard. 

"How did you know?", I am filled up to the brim with questions to ask him but I try to do it one at a time so it doesn't seem overwhelming. 

"I was going through Jack's phone the other day. I went through your texts with him"

And you say it so casually like going through someone's texts is completely acceptable. "Isn't that supposed to be private?"

He shrugs. "Jack and I go through each other's phones all the time. I give him mine too", he clarifies. 

I understand they are friends and share everything but conversations are two-sided. When you see someone's texts or overhear their conversations it's fine if you have permission from both sides, but it was wrong for him to do what he did. I didn't mind it too much. But I also wasn't sure if it was a silly crush which would end soon. 

Training is over. Pep couldn't come today but we had assistant coaches.

 Everyone is making their way out of the training ground to the locker rooms. I like to walk once or twice around it even though we have already cooled down. It is a tradition I always had. I pretend to be busy and wait for everyone to leave so I could walk around. Erling purposefully stays too. When I start walking, he shows up beside me. "Are you mad at me or something?"

I nod. "I'm not", I say with a laugh.

"I have to admit something", he says. I remain silent until he speaks again, like that silence has a way of approval.

"I like you too", I stop walking and turn to him. I had no words to say. My expressions said it all and it is as if he understands it and gives me a reassuring look that it's fine. "Jack knew that I liked you and you liked me, so he showed me your texts", he explains. That explains the weird thumbs up Jack gave me earlier. He knew what was gonna happen. 

He takes a step closer and grabs my waist. He looks at me in the eye and holds the stare. He brushes a strand of hair off my face and tucks it beneath my ear. The movement is so delicate for a football player. It's like he knows when to be tough and when not to be, and he was being as soft as he could. 

"So?", he asks impatient.

I nod and give him a smile. "You've been here before me. Maybe you could show me around town?", I indirectly ask for a date. 

"We're free tonight. I can pick you up", he says while we continue walking. I like that we have the same schedule, we won't ever have to work through our separate schedules to find free time together. 

"Why do you walk after a training session?", he asks. 

"It's a tradition I have had since the beginning"

When we reach the end, I turn toward the boot and locker rooms. He reaches for my hand and pulls me closer. I can feel his breath all over my face. He pulls me in closer for a hug. I rest my cheeks on his chest. "Since when did you like me?", I ask.

"Since I knew you"

I look up at him and the stare grows deeper every second, giving me the urge to kiss him. He slowly bends down. He looks at me for an approval. I give him the look. His lips meet mine for a brief second before he pulls away. I feel my heart clenching, and I become giddy as hell inside. I hope that the same feelings are mirrored in him. 

We walk toward the locker room. He threads his fingers through mine in a swift movement. I look up at him and ask, "How long have you known me?"

"For years", he replies with a smirk playing on his lips. 


A/N: Now, I will ask for your opinion. Tell me if you liked it because I had no experience writing this. 

Football Imagines (England players mostly)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora