Wounds Of Love - Phil Foden

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The summer breeze gently caressed my cheeks. Loose hair strands were dreamily flowing around them. I tucked them behind my ears and smiled. I let the car windows up and lowered the music volume until it was on mute. I turned the engine off and got out of the car. 

I clutched my right hand tightly to the bottom of my flowy white dress to stop it from moving in the wind and held my purse in the other. I crossed the street and entered the driveway.

 I was nervous. I exhaled a shaky breath, gave myself a final pep talk and rung the doorbell to Phil's home. 

Last time we encountered, we were drunk at a party and accidentally kissed each other. It had been awkward since. But here I was, uninvited, and showing up in front of his home on his porch in a white dress. 

Did white dresses have specific meaning? Why did my subconsciousness make me doubt my outfit again? I assured myself that my dress was casual several times before even leaving my apartment today. 

Anyhow, I googled it on my phone quickly before Phil would answer. I didn't ring the doorbell again to buy me time, in case he didn't hear it the first time. 

"White means purity"

"Not a bad choice", I muttered to myself before ringing the doorbell a second time. I brushed my hands on the skirt to make sure it was clean and practised my smile for when he would open the door, only not to get caught in an awkward situation, like last time wasn't enough. 

I admit that I had a crush on him; maybe not just a crush. A bad crush. I hug a huge pillow imagining it is him every night while sleeping and I talk to myself imagining I'm talking to him so many times everyday. Maybe I needed therapy. 

My thoughts were cut off by the white front door abruptly opening and Phil standing behind it. I was staring at the floor the whole time. 

"Hi.", he said, "I didn't expect you, Rose"

"I'm sor-", I began formally but was interrupted when I saw his whole figure. 

He had Ronnie in his left hand, white powder, which I assumed was milk powder, all over his grey shirt and toys in his right hand. Suddenly, I was playing a game of Try Not To Laugh. I covered my mouth with my right hand and smiled through them. 

"I know I'm a mess", he said, then moved away from the doorway, "But you can come in"

I entered and he closed the door behind me. I had been here countless times, but still felt the same wave of nervous butterflies rush through me where I was standing. He put Ronnie down on the floor and he ran away to play with his figurines. 

"I'm sorry for coming here without informing you", I said. "Do you need help with anything?"

He thought about it for a second before saying, "I'm trying to cook dinner. Maybe you can help me prep some veggies for Ronnie while I shower"

"Sure", I said with a vigorous nod. 

"I'll just shower here", he said while pointing to the bathroom on our right hand side. "The vegetables are on the counter", he said while walking with me to the kitchen. "You know where I keep everything", he added, then proceeded to leave the kitchen. 

"Oh, and by the way, you look amazing, Rose", he said with a smile I just couldn't resist, then left for the bathroom. I felt like blurting my secrets to him on the spot but managed to keep my mouth shut, like I always did. 

I took a knife and started cubing some soft vegetables for Ronnie, and roughly cut some hard ones which would go into the blender. (A/n: I seriously don't know which baby food is made like this. I'm not a mom yet so I don't know, lol)

After the puree was ready, I served it into a small Superman bowl Ronnie loved and began pouring orange juice into his small cup and added a straw to make it easier for him to drink. I then went to fetch him from his playroom. 

(Phil's POV)

"That was embarrassing", I said to myself. Who would want their crush to show up unexpectedly while you're in the middle of the hassle of making your son food?

I just wanted to tell her how I loved everything of her: her hair, her sweet smile, her voice, her body, her character, the way she takes care of me and Ronnie, everything. And the way she showed up in a beautiful white dress just made me want to tell her how I felt. 

I got out of the shower and wore my clothes. When I exited the bathroom, I saw Rose taking Ronnie to the kitchen in her lap while playing with him. She laid him in his baby chair and sat down in front of him to feed him. She caressed his hair and kissed him on the forehead. When she was done, she gave him his orange juice and got up from her seat. Ronnie finished his juice and made his way back to his playroom. I loved to see how she and Ronnie were this close now. 

She started cutting more vegetables, perhaps to make us food. I walked toward the kitchen to see what she was making. Just as I stepped closer to see, she cut her finger. She hissed, then after realising my presence, she was staring at me. "What are you doing? Don't look at me", I said quickly and put her finger under running tap water. 

"That was stupid. You don't stare at someone when you just cut your finger", I said to her calmly, but with an intention to sort of scold her. That was very childish. 

She grinned at me. "I'm sorry. I was focused on your wet hair"

"My hair's short", I said grinning, "I don't think it deserves the 'staring at' type of attention"

"But it looks good", she replied. 

I grabbed the first aid kit and made her sit on the counter. I was standing between her legs and was still holding her finger. 

She hissed when I applied antiseptic lotion to it. "It's not too deep", I said while lifting my face up to see her reaction. Her lips were level to mine and I felt chills. We never brought up what happened at the party today in any conversation. 

I leaned in closer and pecked her lips, this time, when I was in my senses. Of course, I was drunk last time, so I didn't remember anything. I only knew when Jack told me what happened. 

She closed her eyes and opened them only when I let go of her finger to hold her waist. We kissed passionately for a few seconds. I pulled away to see her face which was all red, and leaned my forehead with hers. "Rose, I have to admit this. I love you", I said while looking deep into her gorgeous eyes. 

She nodded slightly and smiled while looking at her finger, "I love you too, Phil", she said nervously and kissed me back. If I knew it was this simple, I would have confessed my love for her ages ago, 


A/N: This part is dedicated to @greysandfootball   

Ily Rose. 

Comment if you liked it, and drop a vote . Trust me, you don't know how much this helps. And thank you so much for over 20K reads. I can't believe it! 

Also, Merry Christmas!!

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