We Found Love - Mason Mount

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(Maya's POV)

I slammed the front door shut. I needed to find some peace. Do they even love me? Did they even care I skipped dinner today? 

It was freezing outside. My jacket was probably not enough to keep me warm. Walking faster would probably make my body heat up. I forgot my gloves and my beanie in my room, but after what happened between my parents and me today, I couldn't even find the courage to walk up the stairs to get them. I better freeze than see their faces again today until I calm down. 

I shivered. My teeth gritted through the cold. I was standing right outside our home. I wrapped my arms around myself and I was rubbing them continuously to generate heat. I wore my black leather boots. I had yellow funky socks on. It was the opposite of my mood. 

Snow was gathered on both sides of the driveway, but the streets were covered like a white canopy. The car was parked in it, but a little to the left to make way for walking back and forth from inside and outside the house. I looked at the street. Cobham never felt lonelier. There was almost no one out right now. They are most probably enjoying their dinners, happily, with their families. 

I had my hair up in a bun, but I let it down so it would heat my ears. As I walked out of the driveway, I felt the crunch of snow under my feet. I enjoyed that sound. I probably would enjoy it more if I wasn't hurt by almost everyone in my life. It was almost as if everyone turned their backs on me just when I needed them most. 

I walked a couple of streets away from my house. It only got lonelier, but I liked it. 

(Mason's POV)

"I'm sorry, Mason. But I can't do this anymore with you", she said, coldly, looking deeper into my eyes as she spoke. But her stare never went that deep anymore. It was not the kind of stare that would end in a kiss. It was the kind of stare that ended in a breakup. I used to feel chills when she did that. Now I didn't. 

Maybe she was feeling the sadness I was feeling, but it just was not displayed on her countenance.

"I understand", I said staring at the floor, feeling the awkwardness rise every second. "I should probably leave" 

She nodded, then opened the door. "Take care, Mase" That was all she said to me. She smiled briefly. 

"I will. You too"

Maybe we broke up for the best. She wasn't the right one for me, I wasn't the right one for her. I guess maybe it happened in life. 

I walked out of the front yard. I needed somewhere peaceful to just take it out. Not like I was sad from breaking up. I understood and respected her decisions. But I needed somewhere peaceful. Somewhere quiet. Maybe the nearby park. There was almost no one at that time and it wasn't that far away. 

I had three jackets stuffed on myself, it probably was more than enough. I realised I forgot my beanie and my gloves inside her home. I didn't want to get caught in another awkward conversation again, so I just left it there. 

The park wasn't too far away. 

(Maya's POV)

I reached the park a few minutes later. My tears were urging to fall every second, but I managed to stop them. I was lucky I had no mascara on. 

The park was covered in thicker layers of snow. The sound my boots made while walking on them only got louder and more pleasing. If only that was all I had to focus on right now. I allowed a teardrop to fall from my eyes. 

The lake in the park was frozen. I walked up to the railing which surrounded it and leaned against it. My hands never felt colder. The park had a fair amount of benches, and each of them had a light pole beside it. The full moon glistened on the frozen lake. Its reflection was beautiful, a sight I wouldn't get every day. I smiled through my tears.

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