41| Duplicity

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Sridhar: Son of Parmeshwar Hari
Anandhani: Queen of Kapilvastu.
Devakesh: Father of Anandhani.
Avidhen: Commander in chief.
Agastya: Brother of Madhavi.
Satyayani: Queen mother.
Madhavi: Grand lady of finances.
Parmeshwar Hari: The rebel
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|Secret 06: Sridhar|

Silence prevailed in the atmosphere of the special room guarded for the rondeau of the members needed for the special meeting.

"I am here to take the consent of each one, I want to know if everyone is ready for our plan to be executed tonight." Agastya broke the silence, "The next morning will mark the second death anniversary of Maharaj Cheeranjeevi. I don't want that man to see another sunrise."

"What's the plan?" Avidhen enquired

"Killing the twelve important guards of the dungeon, using Vaishnava Kaka as the shield, and keeping Mlechchhas ready for our backup," said Anandhani

It was unimaginable for the Raja Patani that she was going to make it to the end, the story that started with the death of her husband would finally be over with the death of his murderer.

The elders were in a moment of silence, they felt ashamed of themselves. The lady who was considered a little child by them lifelong had proved them wrong by completing the task that they couldn't complete lifelong.

"The meeting is adjourned, but not all of us will go from here together." Satyayani proclaimed, "If we all leave together then it will be a matter to be discussed."

The order of departure was decided earlier, according to the varying responsibilities.

The first one to leave was Guru Kailash, his major job was to purify Ratnamaru at the instance for helping Anandhani complete her aim. Followed by Nagarjuna and Satyayani, the queen-mother had wished to give a different sort of gift to Parmeshwar, and Nagarjuna was to her aid.

"Nardamaruda kaka, please bring my father with enough security so I can't lose him once more" Nardamaruda caressed the hairs of Agastya before leaving, he was to be back again in an hour with Vaishnava Hari.

Madhavi and Devakesh lacked their presence in the special meeting for a special cause, Agastga had yearned to meet his sister but destiny didn't render the best path.

"Bhrata Avidhen, keep the army ready."


"Agastya thanks a lot for collecting information for us. " Anandhani was grateful to Agastya.

"Not me. My student did the required bhratrijaya."

The mention of his student threw Agastya into a lane of recollections.

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