04) Their Golden Story

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Avidhen: Elder brother of Cheeranjeevi and the commander-in-chief.
Anandhani: Wife of Cheeranjeevi.
Satyayini: Mother of Cheeranjeevi.
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Silvery white moonlight sprinkled on the ground, there are cries spread everywhere. The night's aroma pervades the air, woven into a soft net, covering all the scenery inside. Everything that comes into contact with the eyes is covered with the rien of tears covering them. It is not as realistic as it is during the day. They all have vague, illusory colours, each hiding its meticulousness. The point, keep its secrets and make people feel like they are dreaming.

The eyes of the elder brother had turned moist today, the ever enchanting smile on his face which could captivate anyone's mind was now replaced with a cold-blooded expression.
His lips had turned dry with chilliness in he environment and the empty heart beating in his chest. "You left your Agraja{1}quite early Maharaj, Remember I had taken the pledge to always be your shield? I failed to complete my pledge anuj{2} I couldn't help you today. I failed both as a brother and the commander-in-chief, forgive me anuj." He spoke while caressing the lush curls of his brother.

Withdrawing her eyes coated with tears from the pyre Anandhani looked at Avidhen, the elder brother of Cheeranjeevi who was keeping the timbers of sandal above the body laid on the pyre, her eyes scampered away as finally, Avidhen covered the body of the deceased with the heavy logs.

" Anuj" Avidhen's soul cried as he poured ghritam {3}on the pyre.

"As the Dhanurveda{4} says, a Kshatriya who dies while fighting with a soldier attains salvation, I am sure that my brother will attain salvation." taking the earthen pot filled with water on his shoulder Avidhen took a few rounds around the pyre, the water which streaked out from the small hole in the pot, turned the land wet finally when the amount of water in the earthen pot decreased finally the pot lobbed on the ground.

The sonor produced through the pot wrecking on the soil caught Anandhani's attention. Her heart flinched as she knew what was about to happen subsequently, her feet strode forth. Satyayani caught the movement of her daughter in law and held her arm captive, A teary smile arose on Anandhani's "Maa" she tried to speak but couldn't speak further due to a breakdown of emotions. She quickly pulled her mother-in-law in an embrace and hid her face in the crook of her neck just like a small newborn who wishes to be protected in someone's embrace.

With his arms trembling Avidhen took the log in his hand whose upper portion was covered in a piece of cloth that was dipped in clarified butter, forwarding his limbs which shivered Avidhen lit the pyre of the lost king of Kapilvastu.

The pyre lit ablaze with a magnificent orange hue, the fire finally consumed the body of the king constructed by the Pancha-tattva{5}

"The only regret that I have is I won't be able to meet you once again." Spoke Anandhani as she looked at the ashes on the topsoil.

"Being the closest relative of Cheeranjeevi it's your right to collect the ashes for Niravapanjali{6}" the words rang in Anandhàni's ears

Anandhani's hands shuddered as she moved her hands in the ashes left behind Cheeranjeevi's pyre, a durable particle came into her hands which made her eyes turn towards the gobble of ashes. She picked the gobble in her limbs while the other hand abruptly flung forward to brush off the ashes on the gobble.

"What is it?" She questioned herself when finally the ashes were removed from the substance and her stare uncovered a piece of ornament. A smile dozed off her face, the smile didn't depict the virtue of happiness but the smile has mangled the emotions obscuring behind the watery curve on her tone.

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