30| An Old Shade Revamped

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Though the chapter is short, it took me long to plan the proceedings, and especially I had to read the ancient midwifery science. I don't expect anyone to steal any facts without prior information.
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Anandhani: Queen of Kapilvastu.
Satyayani: Queen mother of Kapilvastu.
Bhadra: Royal physician.
Cheeranjeevi: Late king of Kapilvastu.
Chaitanya: Son of Anandhani and Cheeranjeevi.
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For better vibes, a good song.....

The corridors were in contradiction to a chamber located in the heart of the palace, the atmosphere was calm and still with just one single old lady murmuring the chants of the lord with her finger interlocked with the bond of her motherly love

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The corridors were in contradiction to a chamber located in the heart of the palace, the atmosphere was calm and still with just one single old lady murmuring the chants of the lord with her finger interlocked with the bond of her motherly love.

The chamber was the royal Sutikāh griha, meant for childbirth but it was not a common one. The chamber was designed just for the birth of an unborn king, Maharaja Kumar. 

Satyayani rushed to her heels with the information of Anandhani's sudden painful cries. The chamber was all old, yet new in its way, it had never been used because no royal unborn was as special as the one fathered by Cheeranjeevi, it was named the heir even before his birth.

An empty mind is the house of the devil.

The synchronizing lips of the saints which moved up and down couldn't amuse the queen mother at present. 

"I want your chants to echo in the corridor, please provide the best atmosphere for the special kid to descend." 

There was no other good way to let the wailing expectant lady be intact to her senses by letting the passage of auspicious earshots prevail over her empty intellect.

Satyayani didn't bear the courage to go inside the sutikāh griha, her mind bewildered by the sudden cries of her daughter-in-law, and most importantly, she had to take off the little child who walked with ignorance not able to understand what was going around.

The royal astrologer moved his fingers calculating the number of cowries that touched down his silk cloth, looking at the sky his lips mustered bad news for the queen-mother.

"It's Amavasya and most importantly, the lord of Saturn is not in his correct position. The child might be born both with one less body organ and a less life span, being born on this moonless day."

Being shot in cold blood Satyayani's feet shivered, she ran behind and her spine caught the strength of the wall. She could never crown a physically disabled kid. Her cognitive skills had become liquid with the sudden termination of her inner will to look at her son's offspring on the throne.

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