06) The heir

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Anandhani- Queen of Kapilvastu.
Rushi Kailash- Family priest of Samprapath clan.
Satyayini- The queen mother.
Kanishka- Elder brother of Cheeranjeevi.
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"I the heir of Mahraj Somadeva's first vaishya wife, devote my flesh to this holy fire as a punishment for losing our ancestral ring." The sound of the quick slash made by the man on his ring finger and his scream boomed in the chamber, the fragrance of the red lubricating irony fluid was unethical.

Laying on the floor exhausted with his spine arched in the shape of the bow the man gritted his teeth, "I will take revenge for every sacrifice made by our ancestors''

The blood dripped from the place where earlier his finger was, hurting him to the core every second the wound reminded him of his sacrifice.

The gust blew with a great pace across the corridor carrying away the particles of the soil with itself, the queen's veil fell back from her shoulder where it was tucked earlier

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The gust blew with a great pace across the corridor carrying away the particles of the soil with itself, the queen's veil fell back from her shoulder where it was tucked earlier. Seizing it firmly in her grip the lady with the elegance of the moon's silver lining strode towards the courtroom, her life filled with melancholy was about to be filled with the sparkly glimmer of good news today.

Walking in front with a heavy heart the wife of the posthumous king, Anandhani, her feet drifted on the shiny floor, the atmosphere seemed quiet, taking minor strides she waited for someone to come from behind and say, "The assembly has been cancelled."

Clutching the edge piece of the cloth draped around her, she wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Her eyes stared at the cold yet shiny floor, those rims apprehended the dust particles on the floor, sucking the pleasant aroma she sighed in relief, "Stillness that's all I can feel and the fragrance of distress is all my heart may admire."

"The empire will get an heir today" she stood next to the gate of the courtroom, "Several memories are attached to this courtroom yet, but now I can only think about the future and not grief about the past. Being resolute in the vow to not let even a single drop of saline water evade my rims I am plunge to be emotionless."

"Pranipat {1}'' a voice boomed into the ears of Anandhani, she turned behind with the edge of her veil in her firm grip. The voice seemed powerful, with a rhythm of goodness visible.

A man with a dark moustache and his skin covered with the tone of milk stood in front of her eyes, he held the sheath of his sword protectively amidst those four fingers, a deep scar embedded just below his ring finger and the palm apprehensively covered with a white cloth.

" What has happened to your ring finger, brother." called out Anandhani with utmost care and concern visible in her voice

The smile on the man's face started to fade away as the words touched the tip of his ears "I was attacked by a tiger during my hunt in the forest--"

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