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Bzzt. Bzzt.

Mission 8:

《Get Miya Atsumu to wear a skirt》

Reward: 175 points
Failure results in penalty spin.
Time limit: 30 hours, 50 minutes

Good Luck!


"WHAT THE HECK ARE YA DOIN'?!" Atsumu hollers out aggressively.

Upon hearing Atsumu's yell, M/N slowly retreats his arms from around Osamu, turning to face the furious-looking setter with an innocent look.

Meanwhile, Osamu was left in a daze from the soft embrace as he lost all warmth when M/N pulled away. Osamu felt so lost for a moment that he hadn't even registered his brother's presence, only mourning the loss of M/N's soothing arms. Getting quite surprised as he spots an aggravated Atsumu storming their way.

M/N appears unfazed as he greeted the furious Atsumu normally, "Hey Atsumu."

Taking a glance at the loose stance of M/N, Atsumu was at a loss at the ravenette's casualness. Even to the point where he lost his previous rage.

However, that calm was short-lived as the instance Atsumu took an eye at his brother's blushing and mellow expression, his anger flared up once more(this time even worse).

"What the heck were ya both doin', hm?" Atsumu questions as he crosses his arms tightly.

"Nothing much, just talking. Osamu was just speaking about you. I wonder why you won't walk with him home anymore?" M/N speaks smoothly, with not even a minor hiccup or stutter in sight.

"We just had a fight, that's all." Atsumu admits directly though still glaring aggressively at Osamu who could only hide behind M/N like a sheepish shy maiden.

The audacity of his brother, honestly! Atsumu found Osamu's behavior absolutely ridiculous. He had just voiced out his unhappiness and disappointment over their secret rendezvous yesterday! And yet today he sees them being all chummy with each other. Had Osamu no shame?! How could his own brother disregard his feelings like this?! The fact that he had held nothing back from his brother made his blood boil. It was as if Osamu didn't care that Atsumu is his biological brother.

What made it worse was that Atsumu held no barriers against Osamu. Why would he? He was his own blood-related brother!
Atsumu had unwittingly told Osamu everything! From how he felt on the very day of M/N's blazing entrance into their lives and the whole cacophony of emotions that came after he had gotten closer to the new member. Osamu knew! He knew of his feelings, and yet this betrayal?!
It stung.

If Atsumu has thought that the whole argument yesterday at home was bad, he didn't know how to make of this anymore. As clearly, despite breaking his trust, Osamu didn't seem to care all that much. It's really painful. His heart aches. No amount of physical pain could compare to the amount of hurt he was drowning in right at this very moment.

Not knowing how to control his myriad of emotions, Atsumu opted for the rawest and instinctual option, he ran. He ran fast, and furiously away from the scene with streaks of tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

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