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"Holy heck. M/N!" Kageyama called out as he dashed forward before pausing awkwardly in front of M/N.

Kageyama hopped around on the spot with his hands stretched out in panic as he wondered what he was supposed to or could do to aid M/N, who was still dangling off the bed haphazardly.

"Tobio do you um mind?" M/N asked, his hands making a grabby motion as if he was a baby wanting to be picked up.

Kageyama only stared at M/N, a face full of confusion. "What am I supposed to do?"

M/N wanted to smack himself in the face. Why in the world were all his friends all such a mess when visiting him?

"Help pull me up back onto the bed, please 🥺." M/N pouted as he too tried to mask his embarrassment at being caught in such a shameful position by Kageyama.

"Oh! Sure." Kageyama exclaimed just realizing that he was supposed to help carry M/N's upper body back onto the bed.

After a few minutes of tugging, M/N was finally back onto the bed laying there like a normal person and no longer half suspended off the bed.

"M/N, you're finally awake." Kageyama let out a small smile (that honestly looked terrifying and no longer cute. Probably due to Kageyama's lack of smiles for the last 2 years.) showcasing his joy at M/N's awakening.

"Yeah." M/N answered softly, not knowing what else to say.

"So er why was your body hanging halfway off the bed upsidedown?" Kageyama questions as he took a seat beside M/N's bed.

"Well, I was bored... And um I forgot that my muscles and body were still woozy from two years of inactivity... Then I was stuck." M/N laughed dryly as he looked away from Kageyama awkwardly.

Kageyama sighed, looking unamused at M/N's antics, though not unhappy about it. In fact, Kageyama felt comforted by the fact that M/N was finally out of coma and able to do whatever dumb things M/N always seemed to do.

"Anyways, it's already late, why the heck are you here? Don't you have school tomorrow? You should head home." M/N inquired doing a one-up at Kageyama before Kageyama could ask anything to him.

"I came to visit after school, yes and no."

M/N shook his head at Kageyama's one word answer to the suggestion of leaving.

"So what school do you go to?" M/N asked despite already knowing that Kageyama is in Karasuno.

"Karasuno." Kageyama answered bluntly.

"Hmm, Karasuno is good." M/N nodded knowingly.

"Anything interesting that had happened so far then?"

"I met a boke... I mean an acquaintance, was kicked out of the gym and knocked the vice principal's wig off his head onto one of my senpai's head." Kageyama spoke gruffly.

M/N blinked, his lips pulled into a tight line despite being glad that the plot was still smoothly transitioning, "And how did all this happen?"

Kageyama then began to start explaining what M/N had missed. Even choosing to start from middle school, his origins of the king nickname(though he looked rather uneasy saying that part), meeting tangerine boy, turning around and seeing no one there, failing to enter Shiratorizawa, the wig incident, getting banned from the gym and needing to work with tangerine to win a match this Saturday.

By the end of Kageyama's recount, his head was hung lowly as his eyes stayed glued to the ground in shame and fear of seeing M/N's disappointed look aimed at him.

To Kageyama's surprise, M/N did not lecture him or gaze at him with discontented eyes. Instead, he was met with a single solid pat on his back. Immediately sending tingles down his soul. Kageyama's whole being felt reassured and instantly better.

With his eyes all watery, Kageyama lifted his head to look back at M/N.

"You'll do just fine Tobio. You'll learn from your past mistakes. Plus, I'll be here to guide you every step of the way." M/N lifted his hands, gently patting Kageyama's head while smoothing the locks of his hair.

Kageyama practically purred as his entire being relaxed fully around M/N. Gone was any traces of arrogance, inferiority, or stiffness. It was as if Kageyama had went back to being his innocent first-year middle school self. The one who was so eager to learn, so willing to open up and cooperate.

However, Kageyama's tranquil moments were cut short as the door slammed open revealing a panting Kindaichi and an anxious Kunimi. Instantly, Kageyama's guard went up.

As soon as Kunimi opened the door, Kindaichi had openly begun staring down at Kageyama with hints of anger and distaste hidden within his gaze. Kunimi on the other hand, sole focus was purely on M/N.

Earlier, upon receiving Iwaizumi's text of good news, Kunimi, without a single moment of hesitation dashed towards the hospital. Completely disregarding Kindaichi who was with him on the way back home after extra Volleyball practice. Leaving Kindaichi who was with Kunimi running after Kunimi(Kindaichi had never seen Kunimi run so fast in his whole life).

"M/N." Kunimi gasped out sounding utterly taken aback and confounded.


M/N is in middle school year 1 and Semi is in middle school year 3.


"M/N! Where are you?!" Semi called out as he was searching around the park for M/N.

Semi and M/N had decided to meet up in the park to hang out and practice. However, in the middle of them playing volleyball together, Semi had needed to go to the toilet. Which led to the current situation.

"M/N promised to wait for me here right by this tree. So where is he?" Semi asked himself out loud with his hand clasp by his waist as he took in deep breaths of air.

Letting out a sigh Semi raised his head looking up towards the sky in exasperation. But as he did so, something up in the tree caught his eye.

Walking closer towards the tree, Semi squinted his eyes as he scrutinized the tree branches. And to Semi's complete surprise and amazement, there up on the tree branch laid M/N there taking a cat nap.

"What the heck?" Semi muttered out in both astonishment and confusion as he eyed the peacefully sleeping M/N.

M/N looked too ridiculously comfortable for someone who was sleeping on a tree(which was rather dangerously high up).

Semi sighed in capitulation as he glanced at the sleeping M/N, "Now how on earth should I get him down?"


Author's note:
I'm getting unmotivated ahhhhhhhh. I haven't entered Wattpad for like 5 days and wow do I have a lot of notifications 🤧 it stopped counting at 99+. I had a blast reading you guys' comments and I really appreciate all of them seriously 😳. Also, if I missed any I apologize there's like quite a number so I'm sorry.

Anyways, as per usual please don't mind any errors, vote, stay safe and

Stay happy readers! ლ(^o^ლ)

Happy Valentine's day! 🌹

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