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Bzzt. Bzzt.

Penalty 3:

《Get praised by Kita Shinsuke》

Reward: 95 points
Failure results in INSTANT DEATH.
Time limit: 479 hours, 31 minutes

Good Luck!


The second ball was promptly tossed to Coach Kurosu by Suna as the coach added more strength to the hit compared to the last time. And once more, M/N received the ball with ease, with his stance still being utter trash.

The Inarizaki team had no words, could they consider the second time as luck again? Will they?

After the first perfect receive, Coach Kurosu wasn't as surprised. In fact, he looked determined. Turns out, he had severely underestimated M/N way too much. Deciding to throw away any previous assumptions, Coach Kurosu decided to hit the ball as per usual, using the same amount of power as he would to any one of the starting Inarizaki players.

This time, everyone could see the change in M/N. His stance was finally stable and not flimsy. All watched as he smoothly went through a transition, stretching both his arms straight out into proper position. M/N literally went from looking like he didn't know anything, to looking like a well-trained volleyball player in a matter of seconds. It was enthralling!

And just like the previous two times, M/N got the ball perfectly, sending it straight to the setter position. Once more, the team erupted into chaos as everyone was just in complete wonderment.

It wasn't that that particular hit had been particularly difficult to receive, but rather, no one had expected M/N to be able to get the ball(much to M/N's personal dismay). They have most definitely overly belittled M/N's competency in volleyball. After all, M/N's lack of time being in an official team did severe injustice to his capability in Volleyball.


Atsumu was just about to die, turns out the person whom he glossed over was actually pretty decent at volleyball. Sure, he was unsure of his other skills like spiking, setting, and serving but having such a stable solid receive was valuable enough. Plus, M/N had said that his last position was a Libero. With this, maybe Atsumu could come to like M/N, just maybe.

Suna didn't anticipate this at all, and it was rather intriguing. Seeing his teammates look of surprise would always bring entertainment to him. Especially now that it was permanently saved in his gallery, it would prove to be exceptional blackmail material someday. Though, he was honest that he hadn't actually expected the new member to be of a decent standard. After all, he barely participated in official games(more like didn't at all) and was let into the the club thanks to Riseki.
But now, Suna could see the potential radiating off M/N. He believes that they would be great friends, definitely.

M/N wanted to murder someone.
Their faces of amazement to him frankly went from flattering to disgusting real quick. By the third ball, M/N was feeling kind of icky already. Just how lowly did they think he was to be that astonished? How rude.

Next came the fourth ball, and this time Coach Kurosu held nothing back, he literally let it rip, using full power to smash the ball. It was a rather powerful hit. Kurosu himself had yet to try it with his regular Inarizaki students, but for some reason, he wanted to do so with M/N. It was an unexplainable feeling, and even Kurosu himself was surprised at himself. M/N wouldn't be able to get that ball, would he?

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