3.9K 243 39


Bzzt. Bzzt.

Mission 8:

《Get Miya Atsumu to wear a skirt》

Reward: 175 points
Failure results in penalty spin.
Time limit: 39 hours, 25 minutes

Good Luck!


"Hello, Iwa?" M/N questions as he picks up what appears to be a call from Iwaizumi.

It was quite abnormal for Iwaizumi to call, and thus our main protagonist was rather alarmed and puzzled upon seeing the ace's contact name(Iwa~♡) flash on screen.

However since M/N was greeted with nothing but silence as Iwaizumi failed to answer fast enough, M/N decides to open the conversation on a lighter, flirtier note, "Love, you there?"

A loud crash could be heard from the other side of the call followed by a very prominent shout from Oikawa calling out, "Iwa-chan!" in shock.

Subsequently, a very faint "I'm fine!" could be heard from M/N's phone as Iwaizumi struggles to pick himself up from being thunderstruck by the ravenette's choice of words.

The word 'love' struck a cord deep within Iwaizumi. His heart was suddenly beating out of control. It was like getting slapped by an emotion that made absolutely no sense.

Iwaizumi was filled with pure adulation, happiness, and yet a hint of confusion still lingered within the depths of his mind, causing his brain to lose control of his fingers— allowing for the phone to slip by, falling noisily onto the ground.

Shakily picking up his phone while ignoring the scrambling Oikawa who now stood beside him, Iwaizumi composed himself and spoke, "Yep, I'm here M/N."

M/N smiled on the other end, "So why the sudden call Iwa? Not that I mind a call from you of course."

Iwaizumi coughed slightly clearing his throat. His reason for calling was flimsy at best, thus he was a little embarrassed, "Well, the thing is I was sort of forced to dial you up due to Shittykawa."

Upon hearing his own 'name' mentioned, Oikawa instantly chirped up from beside Iwaizumi, "Hello M/N-chan!"

Clearly, noticing Oikawa in the background of the call M/N was intrigued, "Oh? So what is the reason?"

Iwaizumi sighed audibly into the phone before shoving his phone to Oikawa, "Here, you tell him yourself."

Oikawa gratefully receives Iwaizumi's device speaking into it, "Hi M/N-chan, it's me."

"Hello, Oikawa-senpai." M/N greets politely.

"Eh, you should stop with the senpai." Oikawa whines slightly.

M/N shook his head despite Oikawa not being able to see him, "Nah."

"At least make it sound more intimate. You sound so distant like that." Oikawa pouts from his end of the call.

"But we aren't intimate, are we?" M/N teases with a grin that despite Oikawa not seeing, knows too well.

Oikawa's eyes widened, taken aback before whining, "Come on M/N-chan, you literally call Iwa-chan, just Iwa."

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