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"Here's your box of strawberry pocky, M/N-chan! See you later at practice!"

"Thank you, Oikawa senpai." I grinned as I took the box of pocky from Oikawa's hands.

Oikawa smiled at me once as I claimed the pocky before exiting my classroom to report to his own class for morning assembly.

Huh. He seems normal.
So I guess he's taken yesterday's mission actions pretty well. He didn't seem bothered or seduced by me.

I should be happy that I'm in the clear, but am I not dashing enough to be appealing to him?

Stop lying to yourself M/N, you ain't that hot.

SHUT UP X. I AM EXTREMELY HOT OKAY? Shittykawa just has shitty taste. (ᗒᗩᗕ)

Continue to deceive yourself then.
I don't care. 😒

"Um, Akiri-san?" One of my female classmates called me.

Pushing aside my inner saltiness, I pulled a smile on my face, facing my classmate, "yes?"

"Um, how do you know Oikawa senpai?" She shyly asked.

'What the fuck?' was my first thought as she asked me that question. And I bet my face was literally screaming that since she immediately started to explain herself.

"Ah Akiri-san, the thing is I'm a huge fan of Oikawa senpai, so as the other girls in this class. So we're a little curious."

As she spoke those words, I looked around the class. And it was only then did I notice the rest of my girl classmates all not so secretly staring at us, trying to listen in to the conversation.

I forgot Trashykawa had fans.
Did he seriously already have them in middle school though? This is so not fair! Like, aren't I hot enough to have a fan club too? 😤

Also, is this girl just clueless, or what though? She's a fan and yet she doesn't know that Oikawa is in the volleyball club?
Like I'm pretty sure this girl here should know what my club is since I literally have a damn Volleyball by my school bag right now (courtesy to Kageyama). Like what? I just bring a volleyball to school for fun?

So couldn't they make the connection? I play volleyball, Oikawa plays volleyball? No?
Or do they, despite being his fan, not know even the most basic information of Oikawa, which is the fact that he is in the volleyball club?

Urgh, whatever.
Why the heck am I getting so worked up over one question anyways? *Sigh*

That's cause you're salty that Oikawa has fans, and you don't. :p

Oh, shush X. I'm not salty.
Not. At. All. ಥ‿ಥ

Sure sure~
I'll let you stay in your phase of denial :)

Despite internally rolling my eyes at X, I still replied politely to my classmate, "Oh, I know Oikawa senpai through volleyball club"

"Oh, he's in the volleyball club?" The girl sounded genuinely surprised.

I wanted to bang my head on the table.

"Yep!" I continued grinning, hoping that she would now kindly leave me alone.

"Um, Akiri-san, do you know any details of Oikawa senpai? Like favourite color, food, and friends, etc?"

I now wanted to stab her. 😊
Why won't she leave me alone?
Do I look like an Oikawa library?
Go and ask him yourself for god's sake.

"I don't k—" I started before stopping myself. This could be a good chance.

"I'll tell you if you pay me money." A small smirk played on my lips just as I noticed Kageyama walking into the classroom.

Huh, Oikawa was lucky to have avoided seeing Kageyama. I mean we all know how Oikawa despises Kageyama as he is a 'genius' with far more talent, which threatens his position as a setter.

The other female classmates who were obviously eavesdropping immediately all chorused, "Deal!" Which broke me out of my thoughts.

Kageyama looked at me all weird as he took his seat in front of me, but I didn't care.
For at that moment since my interaction with the girl, a real genuine smile graced my face(just at the thought of receiving easy money).


Oikawa let out a huge sigh of relief as he stepped out of the classroom and away from M/N's line of sight.
Placing a hand on his chest, he could feel his heart racing, thumping wildly against his chest, perfectly mirroring his actual mood behind his typical smile.

Gosh, he was so nervous. Just at the mere sight of M/N-chan now reminds him of what he did yesterday, making his legs uncontrollably quiver and his face to feel hot.

God, he was weak for this kid, and the scary part was that Oikawa liked it.
The unnatural pounding of his chest and the confusing sense of yearning made Oikawa feel alive.
He has never felt like this before outside of volleyball. After all, that was the reason why he enjoyed volleyball so much.
He was dedicated to the sport, and he wants to prove to the world(though to himself too) that he can overcome.

He longed to win against Shiratorizawa, to defeat Ushiwaka especially since the past 2 years they've only placed second, losing only to Shiratorizawa. This was one of his drives in volleyball.

But for M/N-chan, oh he was very very lost. He hated that damn kid when he first entered, holding a small little grudge against him for receiving his serve on the first try.
Plus, M/N always has this weird glint in his eyes when he plays that he had witnessed one too many times. One that no one except him has seemed to notice.

However, Iwa-chan seemed to like M/N-chan's presence, so he thought to himself, 'hey let's give this kid a chance'.

What Oikawa didn't expect was to instantly fall smitten with M/N on their first hangout. He really didn't. But neither did he expect M/N-chan to be so bold.

Oikawa was shocked, and in a good way at that. He wanted to feel those emotions again, and whenever he sees M/N now, he naturally starts to flush internally.

Oikawa doesn't know exactly why, and he wasn't sure that he likes-likes M/N quite yet, but what he does know is that he most definitely enjoys M/N's company.

'I hope to be close friends with you M/N-chan', with that last thought, Oikawa then proceeded back to his class, but not before sending a tight-lipped smile to Kageyama who happened to pass by him.


Author's note:
What on Earth am I doing? I should be studying for my promotional exam but I'm still here 💀. This is bad. 😃

I might miss an update next Wednesday due to myself being in the middle of exam period. I really do hope you guys would understand. Don't worry, the next chapter (which is also the start of the new arc) will be up next Sunday as per usual.

Apologies for the boring filler chapter(you'll be seeing at least one between each arc), don't mind any errors and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

Vote, stay safe and

Stay happy readers! \(๑╹◡╹๑)ノ♬

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