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I'm penalty-free! ┌(・。・)┘♪
X is freaking awesome this time around. Though I do wonder what those consequences that X was talking about would be...
Eh, that'll be in the future anyways. For now, I'm safe! 🥳

Oh and plus, did I mention that Kageyama also wavered my daily milk payment for him as thanks for protecting him? Well, he did.
Heheheh double yay, I save more money. (。・//ε//・。)


"Hey Akiri-kun, why is one side of your face bruised?" One of my classmates asked me as he glanced at my face.

"Yeah, now Akiri-kun's handsome face is ruined!" Another female classmate cried out as she wiped a tear away from the corner of her eyes.

Looking at them blankly, I answered monotonously, "I tripped over my own feet, causing me to fall. And somehow when I fell, I caused some kind of reaction to the point where a cat came flying right into my face forming the bruise."

With me confidently saying that whole fake story that I had just made up like a few seconds ago with absolutely no hesitation, made a few heads turn as my classmates eyed me weirdly, and with disbelief. However, with my awesome story planning skills and serious tone which was willed with such conviction, people were persuaded (somehow), believing my story.

Though meanwhile, Kageyama could be seen in the background eyeing me like I had gone insane due to brain damage as I told the cat story to my other classmates.

'Did Oikawa senpai punch M/N-kun too hard yesterday?' Kageyama thought as his dark blue eyes never left my figure.


It was after school and today, we were given the day off from practice as a reward apparently after yesterday's practice match with Kentoyuri Middle School. Despite that, Kageyama being the hardworking and volleyball-driven dork that he is, decided that he should still practice. Which left me alone with Kunimi and Kindaichi as we decided to go get some food together outside of school before going home.

Surprisingly, today was an Oikawa-free day. For the fact that for a whole day in school, I hadn't seen Oikawa at all. It wasn't like I was deliberately avoiding Oikawa. Not at all.

Okay, maybe a little.
But! But in my defense, I just went the extra mile today to maybe do things slightly differently. Though if Oikawa had really wanted to find me, he could've done so easily. So either Oikawa is actually dumb as heck, or he somehow doesn't dare to face me. I'm guessing it's the latter, but no matter. I'll give him some time and allow him to come to me in his own accord.

"Hey! Hey! Akiri-kun you in there?" I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard Kindaichi calling out for me.

"Hm?" I hummed in confusion.

"Your Udon is here M/N." Kunimi answered as he pointed at the bowl of noodles that rest in front of me on the table.

"Ah, pardon me. I was preoccupied with my thoughts earlier." I spoke while sending a grateful look to both Kindaichi and Kunimi.

As I was slurping up my noodles happily enjoying the warm taste of the food flowing into my belly, Kindaichi decided to ask me a question, "Hey Akiri-kun, not trying to be insensitive but we're kind of curious."

I looked away from my noodles for a second, sending a questioning gaze towards Kindaichi.

"Um, how did you get that bruise on your face?" Kindaichi awkwardly pointed to his own cheek to emphasize the point.

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