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Bzzt. Bzzt.

Mission 8:

《Get Miya Atsumu to wear a skirt》

Reward: 175 points
Failure results in penalty spin.
Time limit: 124 hours, 55 minutes

Good Luck!

"What did you do now M/N?" Was the first thing that Semi questioned on the phone.

M/N was a little perplexed, "Huh? What are you talking about, Eita? I'm in Inarizaki, what could I possibly do?"

One could almost foresee Semi shaking his head from his end as he raises a brow, "Really? You're asking me that? M/N I adore you, really. But trouble literally follows you."

M/N slumps as he lays flat on his bed his phone still by his ear, "Fine, fine, I concede. I can't even deny that."

Semi huffs with pride, "So you going to tell me what exactly you did now?"

"As much as I love to tell you Eita, the problem is I have no clue what the heck you're talking about." M/N shakes his head as he remained unknowing of whatever Semi was referring to.

A sigh could be heard from the other end of the call, "It's regarding Tendou."

Hearing the quirky redhead's name instantly caused for certain wonderful memories to pop up in M/N's mind as he fondly recalls their moments, "Hm, what seems to be the problem?"

"As I've asked before, I am inquiring about what you did to him." Semi tried to make it as straightforward as possible.

Initially, Semi hadn't got the slightest itch to contact M/N, ignoring as Tendou would sometimes randomly praise the all-rounder that was in Hyogo. However as the days passed, Semi couldn't take it anymore as Tendou continued to gush over M/N. This caused Semi's curiosity to peak as Tendou was literally singing praises and appeared to be extremely close to M/N all of a sudden. And this made Semi extremely uncomfortable. He had came first, and thus M/N was to be his.

"Oh." M/N recalls as he had a lightbulb moment. "Satori-san and I bumped into each other in Hyogo so we got a little closer."

"A little closer is an understatement M/N. You're hiding something, especially with the first name. I can sense you panicking." Semi narrows his eyes as he pressed his phone to his ear to more attentively hear M/N's next few words.

"Well, Tendou and I decided on a little deal. Betting that whoever who keeps their heart, and not fall first wins." M/N confessed, not thinking to hide anything.

Semi instantly appeared alarmed as he is utterly stunned, "Ain't that a game?"

M/N nods, despite Semi not being able to see him.

Semi continues, barely managing to hide his disbelief, "A-a dangerous game of love."

M/N smirks devilishly at his end, twirling the tips of his bangs aimlessly as he replies Semi transparently, "It's a wonderful game of hearts~"


"KYAAA ATSUMU-SAN!!!" Screams of Atsumu's fangirls could be heard echoing down the hallway as they chased after the running Atsumu.

Generally, Atsumu's fangirls aren't that rampant, especially during volleyball and its related matches. However, outside of volleyball, it was anybody's game.

Atsumu cussed under his breath as he scurries away hurriedly trying to avoid the hoard of fangirls coming after him. It really wasn't Atsumu's day today.

𝚂𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚖 𝚇  [Haikyuu x reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang