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I was startled awake as my eyes shot open. Looking around, I realised that my surroundings seem to be unfamiliar.

Didn't I die?

I looked down at the palms of my hands before looking at my attire.
I absolutely do not remember wearing this either...like a Pikachu onesie? Really?

What the heck is this?
Where am I?
This is most definitely not my house...


Welcome to the system Player Y/N!

"Okay, what the heck is this holographic screen in front of me?"

Hello Y/N. My name is system X but you can just call me X. Also, I am male and identify as 'he/him/his' for your information, so get your pronouns right.

"Okay? Um, X where am I? What am I doing here? How am I still alive? And can I go back?"

Bzzt. Bzzt.

That's too many questions at once Y/N.

"Okay then, where am I? Is this world real?"

Player conditions not met.
You may not know.

"Okay? *Sigh* Then can I go back?"

Yes, yes you can.

"So...how am I supposed to do that?"

Complete mini-quests, missions and earn points.

"Earn points?"

Yes. It's like a game. Once you complete the quest, you earn points. These points can too be exchanged for special props or items.

"Okay? So is there a tutorial to this thing or something?"

Of course.

Daily quests can be done to earn points.
•There may be mini objectives to hit along the way.
The more points you have, the higher the level you are and the better the props available.
Player MUST complete his/her mission.
Only daily quests are optional.
Penalty of failure, equals penalty spin, inclusive of INSTANT death.
Points can also be earned through favorability. If a person were to have a significant increase in favorability towards you, points would be added accordingly.
The system also provided a spatial space for you. Time inside flows differently at a 5 to 1 ratio. Being that, 5 minutes in the space is equivalent to 1 minute in this world. However, due to your low level, you are only allowed to spend 2 hours of spatial time.

Alright? That helps?!
Sigh. Someone, please send help...
Tell me I'm dreaming.

"M/N? M/N are you awake yet?", a female voice called out.

M/N? Who the heck is that?

The door clicked open and there, an unfamiliar woman stood. 

"Ah, so you are awake M/N. Come on let mummy get you changed, today's your first day at kindergarten after all"

Oh sure. She's my mother of course... WAIT A DAMN FUCKING MINUTE?! MOTHER?! KINDERGARTEN?! M/N?!

It was only then did I realise another very important detail.
I've shrunk... and apparently I now too have an extra body part down there... 

𝚂𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚖 𝚇  [Haikyuu x reader]Where stories live. Discover now