6.6K 360 54


Bzzt. Bzzt.

Reminder, mission 5:

《Dye Kageyama Tobio's hair hot pink》

Reward: 95 points
Failure results in penalty spin
Time left: 9 hours and 54 minutes

Good Luck!


"WHAT THE HELL?!" Kageyama's scream echoed out from the bathroom.

Ah, the cries of success. Beautiful~

"M/N! I'm going to murder you!"

Not so beautiful now...
But it's all worth it.
For the mission and my life! 😭

Wait a minute...
Why isn't the system informing me of my completion?

Because there ain't a detection of you actually completing it

Impossible! I made sure to add quite the amount of hair dye inside the shampoo bottle.

Eh. It ain't my fault if it didn't work.
乁( •_• )ㄏ

Huh? If I didn't succeed, then what's happening to Kageyama? Why is he screaming bloody murder?

I don't know. That's not in my job description to be obliged to tell you what's happening.

You are one awful soul X. 😒

I know M/N. I know. :)


"M/N WHAT THE HECK IS THIS SHIT?!" Kageyama raged as he stormed out of the bathroom without even putting on his clothes, opting to just tie the towel around his waist.

Turning to face Kageyama sheepishly, I lifted my head to take a look at the outcome of my attempt at the mission.

Taking a brief look at Kageyama, I uncontrollably spoke bluntly without thinking, "You look horrible."

Kageyama was obviously unhappy with my statement, proceeding to get even angrier, "AND WHO'S FAULT IS IT HUH?!!!"

Yeah... I shouldn't have said anything. I think I unlocked Kageyama's hot-tempered personality a little too early.

Kageyama's hair was thrown in different uneven streaks of pink with various shades depending on how deeply the dye penetrated his hair. Clearly done terribly due to the fact that Kageyama's hair color was too dark to be directly dyed on like my attempt. Overall, Kageyama's hair looked like a mess. A very catastrophic sight.

"Heheh.... Sorry." I chuckled nervously, avoiding eye contact with the now mad pinkish blueberry.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it M/N!" Kageyama huffed.

"Um if it makes you feel better, I think you look great!" I spoke, awkwardly doing a thumbs up.

"The audacity you have to lie straight to my face! It looks awful!"

"Not awful... Just- just not the best" I cringed at my words.

Kageyama gave me an incensed look with his brows furrowed and arms crossed.

"Oh don't worry Kageyama-kun, it's only temporary hair dye..." my voice died down at the end when I had a sudden realisation.

Due to my tight budget constraints and hot Ushijima being a great distraction, I had forgotten to get those temporary hair dyes and instead got the permanent ones. DAMN IT! 

Taking a peek at Kageyama's now ridiculously uneven choppy black-pink hair, I cussed internally at myself. I shouldn't have trusted X and cheap hair dyes!

"It's not temporary, isn't it?" Kageyama raised a brow facing me with his still displeased look.

I kept quiet.

"I'm going to kill you M/N-kun." Kageyama gave me an eerie smile while suddenly using honorifics again.

"I'M SORRY KAGEYAMA-KUN. NO, PLEASE FORGIVE ME KAGEYAMA-SAMA!" I screamed, throwing away all my pride and immediately kneeling on to the ground in front of him rubbing my hands together begging for forgiveness.

"And why should I?"

And why should he?

My eyes widened. I swear for a moment Kageyama's voice and X's voice overlapped each other.

"M/N? M/N? Hey, I'm talking to you! I'm asking you to get the heck up!" an irked mark popped off the side of Kageyama's head as he called out to me.

Blinking confusedly, I shook my head slightly. Turns out it was just a fragment of my own imagination.

"No. I'm not getting up until you aren't mad at me anymore" I stubbornly remained on the floor in my kneeling position.

Letting out a forceful puff of air, Kageyama bit his lip in exasperation as he bent down slightly to grab my hands, trying to pull me up. However, being the willful person I am, I refused to get up until Kageyama wasn't angry at me anymore. Either that or till he maybe show some indication that he was going to forgive me, or at the very least let me off the hook.

"Get up!"

"Not unless you forgive me please!"

"Get off the ground!"


"Just get up!"

"No! I'll do anything, just forgive me please!"

A tug of war began as I tried to remain resolute and forcefully stay kneeling on the floor with Kageyama tugging hard trying to do the opposite, which is to get me off the floor.

This whole tug of war situation was an accident bound to happen seriously. Since Kageyama was literally still top naked with only a towel wrapped around his waist.
But did either of us care at that moment? No, not at all. That was until something unexpected happened.

The towel around Kageyama's waist gradually loosened during our scuffle unbeknownst to either one of us, and with one last jerk, the knot came undone releasing the towel. And paired with the force called gravity, the cloth came falling, sinking to the ground as it unravels itself.



Scene fades out
Chapter 28 end.


Author's note:
Moral of the story: shower moments always ends up in a mess. Either that or that X cannot be trusted.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please don't mind any errors, vote, stay safe and

Stay happy readers! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Anyone talented in editing? Cause I can't edit to save my life, and I do actually want to see Kageyama in hot pink hair. 🥺

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