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Bzzt. Bzzt.

Penalty 2:

《Get slapped by Oikawa Tooru》

Reward: 55 points
Failure results in INSTANT DEATH.
Time limit: 49 hours, 37 minutes

Good Luck!


Oikawa couldn't lose.
Oikawa couldn't afford to lose to him.

That opposing setter's plays were so different from his own. It's bold and surprising. And no matter how much Oikawa didn't want to praise that damn setter who was all cozy with M/N, Oikawa had to admit that he's good. 

Oikawa didn't like this.
Kitagawa team scores were too close, way too close. They barely won the first set.

Oikawa felt the need to be faster, more daring. They have to win. They had to. He refused to let the Coach see him as weak or useless. He's not giving up his setter position to Kageyama, not ever. And he's not getting benched, not today.

Plus, Oikawa was unwilling to be seen as lesser compared to that ash-haired setter, especially not in front of M/N. 

'We will win. I will be better. I need to do more.' Oikawa thought determinedly as he glanced hardly at the scoreboard.

"Get a grip Shittykawa!" Iwaizumi called out as he gave Oikawa a harsh smack.

However, despite Iwaizumi's hardest efforts to try and rein Oikawa back on track, Oikawa was too overwhelmed with his emotions which had clouded his sense of judgment of reasoning.

Oikawa's sets were rarely off, but today, his sets were off the mark. Out of ten sets, five of them were odd and extremely experimental. It was by no means a bad set, but it wasn't what the team was used to. Despite the team trying hard to cope with the sudden change, one isn't able to change their own style of playing that quickly.

With this new change in Oikawa's sets, thirty percent of the balls go missed or underused properly, producing a randomized weak or strong spike unintentionally.

Only M/N was able to catch up with Oikawa's sudden new playing style. And it wasn't because he cheated by using a skill, no not at all.
But more so of the style that Oikawa switched to. Oikawa's sets became bolder, more surprising.

'It's just like Eita's sets' M/N thought as he dives down again to save the ball.

Oikawa due to being pressured by the potential of Kageyama and the opposing setter, Semi, had begun to unintentionally replicate Semi's sets. Semi's tosses were way too different from Oikawa's. It only worked for his team as they were used to that surprise. But for Kitagawa, this style was unknown and too foreign.

Despite M/N being able to cope the best with Oikawa's sudden change of pace, it wasn't with no difficulty. After all, M/N didn't frequently practice with Semi outside school. Only occasionally when they were free. But some experience was better than none at all, compared to the other members in Kitagawa Daiichi Volleyball team.

On the other hand, Semi was confused. Sure, he could feel the sparks flying between himself and Oikawa, but apart from the intense atmosphere of rivalry, he couldn't see any results.

Semi couldn't understand why this brunette setter that he was playing against with the rest of his team was any good. Semi recalls the times when M/N would rave to him about his team setter's skill. Apart from his serves being awe-striking, Semi couldn't see why he was skillful.

Semi could tell that Oikawa's sets were different from usual. There's nothing wrong with Oikawa's sets, but obviously, his team wasn't used to his new sets.

Semi frowned as he notices M/N looking at Oikawa in what seems to him like eyes filled with sympathy. Semi knew that M/N was working twice as hard during this match. It's difficult not to when the ball dropping is of a higher probability with Oikawa's newly invented unexpected tosses.

Semi shook his head disappointed at the practice match so far. Oikawa wasn't himself at all.

As the score gap between Kitagawa and Kentoyuri continued to widen with Kentoyuri in the lead, a sharp shrill of the whistle that sounded like a death penalty to Oikawa echoed throughout the gym.


"Kageyama, give it a shot" Coach Yushi commanded.

Horror and frustration filled Oikawa's system as he looked up to see Kageyama holding his tag.
Oikawa was devastated, rivulets of tears continuously streamed down his face as his hands shakily made contact with Kageyama's.

Kageyama's pure innocent look that was filled with so much passion and excitement didn't do anything but worsen the sorrow that Oikawa felt.
Oikawa was afraid.
His worst nightmare was coming true. He wasn't good enough. He needed to practice more, to practice twice as hard. He wasn't about to lose to a genius. Especially not to Kageyama who was younger than him.

Iwaizumi continued to stare at his best friend with a look of concern as worry flooded his senses. Iwaizumi knew how hard Oikawa worked to get where he was today, trying hard to beat Ushijima, and he too knew that this substitute of Kageyama as the setter now, was an even bigger blow to Oikawa than anyone could ever imagine.

Iwaizumi could only hope that Oikawa would be okay and will be able to pull through.
That was his last thought as the match resumed, forcing Iwaizumi's attention to return back on the court.

M/N felt bad for Oikawa.
Especially so when he caught sight of Oikawa's tear-streaked face.

M/N had no choice.
He refused to change this. M/N has promised himself not to change the original storyline. He wasn't about to deal with the consequences of the butterfly effect. Especially since M/N had no clue as to what kind of ripple effect he had already set off, possibly altering the plot due to his appearance in this world.

'I am sorry Oikawa.'


Author's note:
I'm late....😃 I fell asleep accidentally sooo 😳.

Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, please vote, stay safe and

Stay happy readers! ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾

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