26: Forever

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"This one is more salty," You tossed another popcorn and chewed it nosily. "We should've bought the caramel or original too." You heard no respond. "The pasta restaurant we went earlier is the best pasta I've ever tasted. Though I still like your pasta cooking, but their pasta is delicious nevertheless." You glanced at your side.

"Nini," You whined.

"Y/n why are you so noisy?! We're watching a movie here, people are disturbed." Jennie glared at you in the dark, You knew how scary Jennie might look right now.

"I'm bored," You muttered lowly. "I want to have conversation with you."

"It's not even twenty minutes yet," Jennie sighed. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Something, nothing, anything. I'm bored." Jennie was used to this endless complain and childish behavior every time they went out to the cinema. Romantic genre was so not you. You fell asleep most of the time or disturbing her like now. She preferred the first one.

"Do you want to go home?" She surrendered.

"Really? Is that okay with you?"

Jennie had waited to watch this since the news of her favorite novel was going to be adapted into a movie broke off.

"Yeah, it's fine. I can watch this some other time," she gathered her things and stood up. "Come on."

You followed her descending the stairs carefully.

Once they were out, you could see the disappointment in Jennie's eyes.

You immediately felt guilty. "Nini, we can go back inside if you want," You blocked her way.

"Nah, it's fine. I'll go watch it with Lisa and Irene. Besides, I'm a bit tired," She faked a yawn. "Let's go home."

Jennie had come to the acceptance of you was not a romantic movie person. You could tolerate her soap opera or cheesy romantic movie on TV cable since you can do something else in the house rather than stared at the big flat screen for at least two hours perpetually.

"I need to go to the toilet. I won't be long."

"Okay, I'll wait here." You took the handbag Jennie handed to you. You sat at the wooden chair not far from where Jennie disappeared. You absentmindedly looked around you when your eyes caught something endearing. You stood up and walked closer to the thick and high window glass as your brown orbs stared at the certain expensive thing inside.

Forever was a long time, sometimes the obstacle would be too much to cope.

But with Jennie beside you, it didn't sound so scary.

They could deal with it, together.



"Why you though?" Jennie shoved a full spoon of asparagus soup to her mouth. They decided to have light dinner tonight since both of them were still full.

"What do you mean why me? Are you doubting my capability of stealing people's heart?" You increased your brow.

"Well duh?" The lawyer laughed.


"I know you well enough, Y/n," You pointed your fork towards the shorty with your smug smirk. "You're so awkward with new people, even your smile looks so forced," You said as a matter of fact.

"I'm stealing your heart alright. Besides, you can't deny that I'm young, I'm brilliant and also I'm good looking. Of course the boards choose me to handle our company," You spoke arrogantly.

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