17: Unexpected Guest

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"why you are running like that at Eight am-"

"I'm sorry, But I have to be in the office in Thirty minutes or I will be killed" You were trying to wear your black blazer as you spoke the words to Jennie.

She was in the kitchen making breakfast for you two when you came running down to the living room like a chicken.

"But breakfast?"

"I'm sorry, I can't have it right now. Bye Nini" You grabbed your car keys and left the condo. Jennie sighed at the loud thud.

She looked down at the half-done breakfast. She knew you can't live without food and leaving in such a hurry for a meeting is like she know you not gonna have any food until lunchtime or if you have a lot of work then the food will be forgotten.

She got an idea. Getting her phone she dialed the number that she maybe haven't dialed that much.

"Hello, Roseanne?"

"Hey, Jennie! How are you?" She heard Roseanne's soft voice from the other side.

"I'm good. I just need a help. Maybe you can help me in here"

"Oh, of course, I can. Is it about Y/n?"

"Kind of? Can you give me her secretary's number?"

"Ah- Tzuyu's? Of course. But can I know the reason?"

"She just left in hurry without having any food and knowing her she would drown herself in the work until lunchtime or work at that time too. So I just want to give her some lunch-"

"Aww, that's a cute thought of yours. I can text you her number"

"That sounds cool. Thanks in advance Roseanne"

"Oh please, call me Rosie. Roseanne sounds like a distant person, to be honest."

"As you want Rosie" Roseanne grew a smile on the nickname.

"That's cool, Bye Jennie. Take care of yourself and that idiot too" Jennie laughed at Rosie's words and bid her a goodbye before cutting the call.

"Now Jennie, Let's do the work!" She said to herself when her phone rang with a notification.

Roseanne: Here's her number- xxx xxxx xxx

Roseanne: and also she knows you so you don't have to worry bout introducing yourself😌


"And you think you are happy with the work you did in there?" You asked the man who was nearly in his fifties after seeing the presentation.

"I told yall to focus on work and at least try to make this presentation better than the others! You failed in that too?" You yelled practically to the man who was maybe twice older than you.


"No, don't apologize for the thing you are not sorry about. I want this thing to be done in a week or else y'all will be facing consequences" You said in the meeting room before leaving. Tzuyu followed you out.

Finally, sitting on your swivel chair your mouth left a sigh.

Everyone knows you as the cold boss. As you scold and yell at the people who are twice older than your age. But you don't give a fuck about it. Work is work. No matter how many years they worked under your father. You keep your behavior same with the new and old workers.

After you fully inherited the business from your dad you moved your office to the top floor. There will be no other coworker except you and your secretary and some guards here and there.

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