Chapter 16: Villain Attack

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Thirteen chose me, Bakugo, Uraraka, Midoriya, and Mineta since we were standing close to each other.

Why do teachers putting Bakugo and Midoriya together...? This had to be on purpose.

"Why do I have to do it with Deku?!" Bakugo shouted angrily.

Kirishima tried to calm Bakugo's ass down. "When you carry the victims you can touch their chests or their ass! Is that considered an evil deed?" The perverted grape said as he stared at Mina's and Tsu's ass.

"You're forbidden from carrying them, Mineta-kun." Midoriya said.

"I highly doubt that you could even carry anyone." I gripped on his shoulder as hard as I can. "Stop staring or I will gouge out your eyeballs." I threatened.

According to what Thirteen said earlier, we had to wait for 2 minutes to let them hide. Midoriya, Uraraka and I surprisingly got along pretty well despite this was our first time speaking to one another.

"2 minutes is up! Start!" Thirteen announced.

"Alright, let's look nearby!" Midoriya suggested.

"There's no need! Follow me, garbage!" Bakugo shouted as he blasted himself away, expecting us to follow him.

His blast sort of made the perverted grape head fall. "What's with that guy?! He's too rash!" The perverted grape head shouted. That thing deserved that to be honest. "It can't be helped. Let's search first for the ones that can speak. A lot of time has passed since rhe fight, let's go!" Midoriya said.

Three of us agreed to Midoriya's suggestion and we all went to different directions to find our 'injured' classmates.

The area I was in doesn't seem there are any of my classmates. I searched for at least five minutes yet I still couldn't find anyone. As I was about to go to a different area, I heard a shout coming behind me. "Hey, hero! Save me please!" A male voice shouted.

I turned around to see Iida below me. "Don't worry, I'll get you out." I said as I made my palm bleed to create a rope which is connected to my palm and solidified it.

"Climb up." I dropped the rope that I made from my blood down. "I promise it's safe." I reassured him.

Iida climbed up and thanked me with a 90 degree bow. Seriously... this man's acting deserves an Oscar.

Iida suddenly tackled me to the side. "Filthy heroes!" A voice that I didn't recognize said. The dust were in the way, I couldn't see what that person's appearance looked like and it seems like there was something he's holding and it looked like a person.

As the dust started to clear away, there stood a masked muscular man and an unconscious boy with red and white hair being held by him.

It was Todoroki.

I could feel my blood boiling as my anger began to raises and paralysed him. "Iida!" I shouted. He got my message and tried to take back Todoroki but the villain's grip was too strong.

"Iida-kun! Go report to Mr. Aizawa and Thirteen! I'll buy you some time." I said as I created myself a katana with my blood.

I unparaylsed the villain but before I could even attack or do anything. Iida grabbed me and ran. "Hey! What are you doing?!" I shouted as I got out of his grip. "L/N! I understand you're mad your friend Todoroki is caught but you can't simply fight him alone." Iida said.

"I'm not mad. I'm pissed but that wasn't my intention." I signaled him to go to the building on my right to hide from the villain. "As I was saying, my intention was to buy our classmates time to be found and I'm aware that I can't fight him alone so I want you to regroup everyone in our class and I will lead the villain to where we started, alright?" I explained, believing that our class were capable to deal with that villain without second doubting.

Red Blossom (Shoto Todoroki x Reader) || HIATUS||probably be back in summer 2024Where stories live. Discover now