[ Chapter 65 : It's Okay ]

Start from the beginning

" Thank you for the care, I'll be sure to send back our payment " Laurence said as grab the horse rein.

" It better be money "

I snicker.

" Are you not ashamed of asking so bluntly? " I asked.

" Oh, I apologize mistress, do punish me for such lack judgement! " He dramatically said.

" We don't talk like that! " I said.

Laurence suddenly laugh.

" Why are you laughing?! " I asked.

" N-nothing! " He covers his mouth then guide his horse away as he holds in his laughter.

" Not even a goodbye?! " I hear Gael shouts.

I roll my eyes and just wave and hold onto Laurence with my arms around his waist, he has calmed down.

" What was that all about? " I asked, he shrug.

" Nothing " he said, I just shrug it off.

I rest my head on his back as he guide the horse and I smile.

" It's spring, there might be some scenery for me to memorize and draw " I said.

" It is less colder " he said.

" I wonder how everyone back home is holding up " I said.

" Grieving " he said.

I lift my head from his back.

" You have magic now, why not send one of those magic letters? " I asked.

" They wouldn't believe it " he said, I sigh.

He snap the horse rein to go faster and we go down a hill following a path and made it into a town shortly. Gael wasn't lying that he didn't live that far from town, we barely get out of the house because he didn't want us to.

" Are you hungry?, We can get something for the road " Laurence looks at me over his shoulder.

" Not that hungry right now, I just want to head home " I said.

" Me too " he said.

" Your going too slow, just snap the rein really hard " I said.

" So you want to die? " He asked.

I roll my eyes and just slap my hand on the horse's butt, didn't take long for her to start running.

" Whoa! "

~ Time Skip ~

" Don't you climb trees when you were little? " I asked.

" The only thing I know where to climb is in bed with you " he smirk up at me as he ride the horse.


I gasp and snap a branch next to me and throw it down and he dodges is.

" Hey!, You could've hit my eye! " He said.

I roll my eyes then hop down a few branches and sit down on the one he's about to come across. I just hook my legs around it then let my body fall in front of him.

" Whoa " he pulls the rein and the horse goes on a full stop.

I smile and let my hair and arms hanging.

" Hello " he said.

" Hi " I said then grab his face, I peck his lips then swing myself up.

" One day, one of these branches are going to break and you'll hurt yourself " he said and he keeps on going down the road.

" Not the first time " I said.

I get up from the branch and hop around the trees to catch up with him and I'm starting to get tired so I jump down.

" Heads up! " I said and he looks up.

I landed just in front of him and take over the rein.

" You could've hit my face " he said and I look over my shoulder to him.

" But I didn't " I smile then guide the horse.

" Three more days until we arrive home " he said.

" Two, if we don't speed it up " I said.

" Wha- "

" Hiya! " I snap the rein as hard as I can and she starts running.

" Y/n! " Laurence holds onto me and I laugh.

I feel his arms around my waist and the wind is in our face as I yell out in excitement.

" Wohoo! " I scream and hold the rein tightly,

" Slow down!, Please! " I feel Laurence hold me tightly and I chuckle.

" Baby " I said then keep going for a full three minutes.

I was going to keep on for another minute when suddenly my attention turn a valley, I slow down the horse and look over this road where the grass are starting to turn purple and it made me realize their lavenders.

" Please do not do that again-. . . " I look over my shoulder to Laurence covering his mouth to prevent barfing and just gag.

I shake my head and get off the horse.

" Look at this! " I said and kneel down on the ground.

I hold the lavender and take a whiff which is all too familiar, the road goes on for miles and I think because it's early spring that they're in bloom.

" Laurence are you seeing this? " I look over my shoulder to him who's approaching.

" Are you okay? " I asked and he nods.

" Yeah, I just hadn't had that kind of speed before " he said, I smile and take his hand to sit down next to me.

" They're pretty " he said and I start picking the lavenders.

" I don't think you should do that, we don't know who's property these are " he said.

" If it is there would be someone living here, I don't see a house for miles " I said and gather them.

" Do you have an idea on a drawing? " He asked, I hum.

" I miss drawing " I said and use a small string I had to tie it up together.

" Do you? " He asked, I nodded.

" At this time, I'm either eating or drawing at home or playing with Lulu and Fluffball " I said.

" We'll be home soon but don't worry, now that you said it I miss writing in my journal " he said.

" I'm not worrying about that, I'm worry what mom would look like when I get home, she lost me once and now she lost me again, I was home and now I'm not " I said.

I suddenly felt my eyes being overwhelmed and I turn away.

" Sorry " I said and a tear escape but I wipe it away quick.

" Y/n " he turns my face to him and I just smile.

" Don't hide the pain with a smile " he said.

I push his hand off and sit here with the lavenders in my hands.

" I'm fine "

" Your not " he turns me around to him again.

" I hate seeing you like this, your either fine or you hide it with a smile, your torturing yourself " he place his hands on my face.

I don't know why I couldn't help it that my tears flow down my face uncontrollably as he look at in the eyes.

" It's okay to be not okay " he said.

" Is it supposed to hurt like this? " I asked and my voice cracked, he nods.

" Let it all out, it's okay "

Nightbirde had me crying.



~ Mariko

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now