xxxviii - im not angry anymore III

Start from the beginning

Techno could only snicker..then picks him up easily, "You could barely fight me off even if you were fully moving, so you best give up."


And so he did.










Tommy eyes the clock with boredom.

Hours passed and he still couldn't sleep.

He must feel homesick. That's probably the reason.

Ranboo's house is cosy, at the same time, it has solitude.

Tommy can't help but to feel lonely, no matter how much he wraps himself on pillows or blankets.

He's all alone..He forces his eyes to close, but he knows well that wouldn't work.

He can't sleep.

He can't sleep.

He can't sleep.

"Tommy?" He opens his eyes, hearing a voice outside.

Wondering who it was, he gets up lazily and checks out. It appears to be Niki, no one in the server he recognises having pink hair besides Techno.

Tommy tilts his head as if to question why she's here, thankfully Niki understands the gesture,

"I can't..I can't sleep. May I come in?" Tommy stays in his place for a moment before opening the door.

It's not like she can't trust Niki, it's just the fact he's aware that he hurt her. He doesn't recall how, but there must be a reason why she seems fearful of him right?

"Thank you, Tommy."


Why is it always snowing?

He ponders when it'll ever stop, he ponders when this will stop.

He didn't expect Niki would be sleeping with him at this time of night.

Most likely she'll be off by the time it's morning, and he hasn't formed a good connection with her as much as thought he could.

There's something in her that he couldn't relate to, and after her flashback, he now knew why.

She probably doesn't even know why she saw that.

He doubts anyone does,

"Are you alright?" Tommy raises his head and gazes upon Niki who has been staring back at him.

She looks worn out, at the same time, she looks like she can't take a breather and rest him.

He nods to answer her question, tightening his grip on the blankets, "Sorry about what I said earlier. I didn't mean that to happen. I shouldn't have lashed off like that,"

Tommy shrugs in saying that 'it's fine' or 'it's cool. doesn't matter.' but it's better off that he'll write what he thinks, at the same time, it's pretty draining,

"Did..Did you know what happened earlier?" Tommy tilts his head, "It was here..I was mad and you passed out, then you started to shake pretty badly it made me panic..Then you held my wrist and felt-"

Her hand reaches her throat, trying to forget what she felt, "I don't know what happened..I was..I was hoping you know."

It takes a while, but Tommy nods, "You know what happened to me?"

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now