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Jisung widened his eyes when he saw Seungmin passed out. He panicked all out of a sudden.

“Eonnie, eonnie. What happened? Wake up.” He shook the elder but no response.

He immediately went towards the washroom, get some water and poured onto his face. This made the elder to flinch suddenly. His lips quivered and eyes didn’t open yet.

“Water…” he mumbled.

Jisung looked at the water bottle and the jug on the night stand, it was empty. There was no water kept inside. He looked at his legs which was chained. He walked towards the door.


He yelled everyone’s name. Since no one was there, nobody responded.

“What do I do now?” he mumbled to himself and saw Seungmin was slowly moving a bit.

He took a deep breath before walking towards Seungmin. He searched the key for the chain in his pockets and found it. He immediately unlocked the chain before rushing out of the room.
Since it took him for a minute to find where the kitchen was. When he did, he immediately went to take the water from the refrigerator before rushing back inside.

He supported Seungmin’s body in his arms and give him the water. When Seungmin, had enough, he sighed. For a minute, Jisung was in a fire. His whole body felt calm when Seungmin opened his eyes.

“Eonnie, what happened?” he asked gently.

Seungmin looked at him for a second, then understand their position. He held his head and slowly sat up. Jisung stood next to him. That’s when Seungmin saw Jisung’s chain unlocked.

“You…” Seungmin was already feeling dizzy even more than the morning.

He can’t run behind Jisung if he tried to escape. Jisung who understand what he was going to say, held his hand in his own.

“Eonnie, are you not feeling well? Do I need to call anyone for help? Please tell me.” He said honestly.

“I…” he saw the bottle of water from the refrigerator.

If Jisung wanted to escape, he would have done it by now. He felt an ease and leaned against the bedroom. Suddenly he frowned and looked at the younger who looked at him worriedly.

“Can you please take something from my room for me?”

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Jeongin was exiting from a library with some books in his hands. When he was about to put his helmet after getting on his bike, he saw someone was staring at him from the back side.

He looked closer and saw, it was Yonyue.

“Holy shit!”

He immediately put the helmet and started his bike. The car having Yonyue with some man, flowed him.

Both the vehicles were rushing through the road like their life depend on it. Even though Jeongin was in his bike, he had his limits, surpassing through pocket roads to escape from them. But the car keeps followed him.

“Come on, speed up.” Yonyue said at the driver, impatiently.

When he was about to reach the main road, he saw a take diversion sign and the road was blocked also there was a huge pit near after that.

The car was about to hit him, but he immediately took the diversion right after he reached the sign. The car which was following, couldn’t sped up about taking the diversion like the bike did, broke the hindering obstacles and fell onto the pit.

THE ACE AND HIS SECRET WEAPON (MinSung)Where stories live. Discover now