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Hela was doing something in her computer in her hotel room. She had ordered her favorite food, but it didn’t come to her room even after one hour had passed.

“What are they doing?” she was getting impatient due to hunger.

She walked towards the door and opened it to check any room boys or girls coming with her food but found nothing. When she was about to close the door, she saw a familiar figure at the door of Seungyol.

When the man was let being in by Lucas at the door, she frowned. Seungyol always avoid private meeting in business meeting. Yonyue always told her that.

This man was too familiar to her but she couldn’t remember where she met him. She immediately picked a file from her room and went to his room.

“What is it?” Lucas asked her at the door.

“I forgot to give this file to sir. Please, this is urgent. I will leave soon.” She said.

Lucas didn’t mind and let her in. she saw the same man, sitting at the couch, calmly reading the book on the teapoy. Hela smiled at him with he responded before going back to his reading. Hela looked around and saw no one, carefully slide her ring into one of the row in the showcase.

Then she immediately adjusted her posture when she sensed Yonyue at the room. Yonyue raised an eyebrow at her.

“I forgot to give this file to him. Mr. Kim Namjoon’s secretary called a few minutes back and asked for an appointment.” Hela handed over the file to her.

“I will inform them to Mr. Bae.” Yonyue said.

Hela nodded before exiting the room. after reaching her room, she got back to the hotel restaurant to have her dinner there. After one or two hours passed, she saw the man exiting the main door of the hotel.
But she still, sat there and had her dinner. Seungyol was a good observant she didn’t want to get caught.

The next day, they had to head to the meeting room. Hela got ready early and go to Seungyol’s room. she took that ring she kept there yesterday without anyone noticing.

“Oh you came early.” Seungyol asked her.

“No, just a while ago.” She said.

“Okay, shall we leave?”
She nodded and they left for today’s meeting.

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Minho reached at mansion at the right time. He looked around the room, but didn’t saw Jisung anywhere.

“Did she forgot?” he mumbled.

That’s when he saw, Jisung walking in short slit-jeans skirt and peach sleeveless top, walking towards him from out. Minho choked on his own breath when he looked at the younger.

“Did you come long ago?” Jisung asked as he locked the door of his room.

Minho didn’t answer, keeping starting at the younger. Jisung frowned and waved his hands infront of him.

“Hello? Earth to Min hyung.” He said.

“Huh?” Minho shook his head, “Mind if I kiss you accidently? I mean not purposefully? Shit! I mean, I...”

“Stop talking nonsense and come. We have no time left.” Jisung said as he walked towards the window.

“Hop on.” Minho said as he offers Jisung a piggy back ride.

Jisung went on. Minho swear that Jisung was really light weight than he thought. He put his palm under Jisung’s thigh for support.

“Grab to me tightly.” Minho said before they both slide down through the pipe.

THE ACE AND HIS SECRET WEAPON (MinSung)Where stories live. Discover now