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Seungyol was working on his computer when his secretary Hela came there.

Hela was his company secretary while another for personal. It was Kang Yonyue, the lady was near to her thirties, but only in her age.

She had quite muscular physique compared to other ladies. She was a black belt, also an expert in body guard martial arts.

When she showed up herself in his chamber, Seungyol rested his fingers which were working on the laptop and raised an eyebrow at her.  

“We got them sir.” She said.

Both of them reached the rooftop of the abandon building, which was been stopped the construction for the last two three months, behind the large company building of the Baes.

Two people were standing there, facing their back towards Seungyol and Yonyue.

“Black Mist?” Seungyol asked.

Both of them turned around. Two of them were ladies, dressed in full black in suit. One has cat eyes with light green orbs and the other one was taller than the other.

“Yes, we are black mist.” The taller one said. “I am Cho Miyeon, field name, Miyeon.”

“I am Jeon Soyeon. Field name, Soyeon. Miss. Yonyue already told us about the details. You don’t have to worry about a single thing, we are on it.” The other one said.

Seungyol let out a small chuckle, “No need to be rushed off. Take your time and let it slow. Contact Yonyue only through wirelesses, not by your cellphone.”

“Yes Mr. Bae.” They both said in unison.

“And one more thing, try to avoid personal meetings, especially with me.” He said that before leaving.

Both of them sighed like the air flown out from a balloon.

“Oh my god, I didn’t expect him to be so… fast?” Soyeon said.

“I already told you, this is not gonna work. I don’t want to do this Soyeonie.” She pouted.

“Eonnie, we have to. You know after kicked out from our company, we have nothing as a job.” Soyeon reasoned.

“But there will be other ways too. Why should we choose this?” the older asked again.

“Because we found out the stupid affair of our company boss with secretary’s wife, I know we have a taste to work as secret agents.” Soyeon grinned widely.

“Secret agents my ass! Do you think this as simple as finding someone’s grossing affair? It’s murder Soyeon, murder!” she groaned.

“Okay, calm down Eonnie. Let’s go like this until we get some money from them and then we can run away.” Soyeon said.

“I don’t think so. You know who is Bae Seungyol, right?” Miyeon reasoned.

“I know. But we can’t avoid the fact that, we have only one month time left for our Minnie’s surgery.” She said.

Miyeon went silent when she heard about her little sister.

Minnie was bedridden due to heart disease. Soyeon was her girlfriend, five years older than her.

It’s only two weeks this disease became this serious. After losing their current job, both the girls worried about nothing but Minnie.

Unexpectedly, they met Yonyue. It was a turning point for them and also felt like a light to saw a path.

“So, let’s go through the thing. This must be secret, so let’s find some clues to impress them first, then we can rest.” Soyeon said.

THE ACE AND HIS SECRET WEAPON (MinSung)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora