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“What are you saying? Medicine is missing? How?”
Jisung heard Sujin having a conversation with Lucas.

“I don’t know madam. Mr. Bae told me to inform this to you.” Lucas said.

“What will I do now?” Sujin rubbed her temple.

Jisung didn’t bother to mind it anyway. The only thing he understood was, the medicine is really important to Seungyol. But he didn’t seems to notice his husband taking that before.
How careless he was! Didn’t even notice someone who was being with him in his room for five months.

“When will Hela leave?” she asked Lucas.

“Tomorrow at eleven.” He replied.

“Okay, arrange a flight ticket for me too. I am going to London with her. Inform Seungyol and you also have to come with me.” Sujin said.

“Sure madam.” Lucas bowed and saw Jisung having a breakfast.

Jisung just smiled at him, Lucas also smiled back. It was the first time he did something like that. Sujin came near Jisung after Lucas left. She ran her fingers through his hair.

“How are you feeling now, honey?” she asked.

“Fine.” Jisung ended in one word.

Sujin chuckled, “I am leaving London soon. That means you are alone with your husband. Don’t try to run away like you did before.” She said and leaned to his ears, “Better offer me a grandchild now. I will be happy to have it now, dad too. And Seungyol is really waiting too.”
Jisung had enough. He got up with his plate and walked away.

“Don’t forget. The cctv are not being able to break that easily now.”
Jisung heard she speaks loudly and turned to her.

“If I want to leave by any chance, I would have done it already. I won’t, until you say so.” He said.

“Oh, I will never, honey.” Sujin chuckled.

Jisung rolled his eyes and got in his room, closing the door. It was only night when the door was opened, when Seungyol had come.

Jisung didn’t sleep for the last two days. His eyes became fluffy and dark circles forming, but didn’t care. Every touch of Seungyol were night mare to him.

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At the morning Sujin and Hela left to the airport with Lucas. Hela looked at Jisung, smiling a bit before leaving. Since it’s her birthday last day, her parents want to see her, so she was visiting.

“Take care of Seungyol well. He will be calm when he is with you. Like a second medicine.” That was the only thing Sujin had said to him.

‘Is he only had anger issues?’ that was the thoughts left in Jisung’s mind.

He stayed inside his room, didn’t bother to go out. The guards were everywhere, also near the window side and the tree side too. It’s not like he wanted to escape anyway.

Some of the maids were always keep their contact with Sujin and informing about Jisung. He didn’t leave his room after the morning.

He took a note pad and started draw some pictures. The window was blocked and can’t be open up from inside.

“Here, I made some desserts.” The new maid said. She was young, small and really cute.

“Oh, is there anything special?” another maid asked.

THE ACE AND HIS SECRET WEAPON (MinSung)Where stories live. Discover now