57. Thanatos' New Partner

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He watched happily as Lily stormed off the Great Hall halfway through dinner, Potter looked after her, collected his things, and ran to follow her, he could see the sadness in Potter's eyes.

James reached the common room to find Lily already standing there with his cloak.

"You really are stubborn," he sighed.

"We should not waste time, trust me, James, I am ready, I will not get killed, stop being protective," she said giving him a hug.

"I can't help myself, I can't stop protecting you," James said in her hair.

Lily stood on her tiptoes, and kissed him, "Let's go."

They both used the passage behind the one-eyed witch and then emerged out of the Honeydukes shop.

James took Lily's hands and pulled her into a dark corner, "If you are coming with me, then you can't come as Lily, and not in these clothes."

"I will be under disillusionment charm," she told him but he shook his head.

"It's not much reliable, trust me," he said and pointed his wand at her face, "Stay still."

Lily felt strange feeling all over her face, she felt her hair shortening and her nose becoming long.

"Removes your robe," he told her as he himself pulled out a bag from the locket Lily has given him. "And the tie and scarf too."

"James, it's cold," she said although she removed the said things.

James handed her another robe, which had a hood, and she wore it, he then handed her a scarf to cover her face.

He then pointed his wand at his own face and soon his face changed to Jack's face. He then wore his Thanatos clothes.

"Don't forget this face," said Jack winking at her, James' voice has changed as he covered his face and then helped her to cover her face properly. "I have modified your appearance too, now your voice," he said pointing his wand at her throat, Lily felt an odd sensation in her throat as though her throat was contracting and expanding at the same time.

"Thanks," she said her voice was now much bolder and different.

James then pulled out a ring he wears before going to such battles and handed it to Lily who blushed furiously.

"Are you proposing to me, James?" she asked her heart rate increasing, she didn't wanted to be engaged so early and not at this place or time. Though she might say 'yes.'

James gulped and ran his hand through his hair, "No, it's a portkey connected to my home, you have to hold it and say 'ducere', it will take you to the destination."

"But doesn't a portkey work according to time?" she asked him. "And isn't it illegal to make one without Ministry approval?"

"There are many types of Portkeys, it is an advance one, given to important Aurors to help them escape anti-apparition jinx. It belongs to Uncle Ben, now I have taken it, Ministry didn't took it back, it was in his room with his other things. Now, wear it and if any difficult situation arises use it, you just have to say the words, 'ducere', okay?"

"James, I can't take it, it's for your safety," she protested but he trusted the ring in her hand.

"Wear it, I have other things," he assured her. 

Lily wanted to protest but as time was passing fast she wore the ring.

"The word is 'ducere', you don't need to want to activate it, just hold it and say the words, it will take you there."